Finished The Void

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All of the Pokémon have fainted now. Tired Dittos and Zoroarks litter the Beach. Darkrai faces Dusk.
"Honestly. You lot think that I'll help you defeat Heatran if you start injuring my minions. You couldn't be more wrong. Heatran is, as I gather, on a rampage with 2 citizens stuck inside. One of them is your president, Night, and the other is Nero, a Fire-type trainer. They will be buried alive by Heatran and it will be almost impossible to save them. i don't feel like saving them. In fact, although I like Heatran, it wouldn't do me any harm if they became extinct. I know that you don't care for any of the goings-on in there, so I may as well help bury them right now, and hopefully Heatran as well. If you do care, try and stop me, but if I know you, you'll stay behind and train..."
With that, Darkrai heads over to Mt. Illusion.
"Go, Darkrai!"
Oh... wait. :D
Darkrai, agitated and put off his task, uses Nightmare.
Ben saw the Darkrai and the other trainer head to Mt. Illusion. Since all of the Pokemon on the Beach have fainted or near-fainting, he decided to go and see what was going on. Ben hiked over to the Mountain to see what was happening. Then he saw a battle going on in-between the trainer and the Darkrai that were talking. "Intresting" Ben said to himself.

Ooc: Did Sewaddle go up a level from the battle from earlier? Also, when do we get Pokeballs?
Sorry, forgot about those.
Quiz 2 will earn everyone items, coming tomorrow. Every Pokémon that battled a Pokémon on the beach successfully will level up twice. Let me know which of yours this applies to, and I will update the first post.
Sorry, forgot about those.
Quiz 2 will earn everyone items, coming tomorrow. Every Pokémon that battled a Pokémon on the beach successfully will level up twice. Let me know which of yours this applies to, and I will update the first post.

OoC: Sewaddle battled a Ditto and won.
Nero looked around and saw the blocked exit on one side, and the hot lava on the other.
"Hmm... So we are"
He looked around again, just to be sure there wasn't anyway out. He didn't see one.
"Pity neither of my pokemon will be of any help in this situation. Maybe theres a ledge along the inside of the volcano we can walk along to the top? Either that or we wait for someone to save us. Or we wait to be buried alive."
He laughed a little bit and looked at Night and shrugged
"I honestly have no idea what we should do, Nero. I could try to use telepathy to find where Lucario is, because he's sure to be near Heatran, then he could move the boulders."
Night closes his eyes and shuts out everything from his mind except for Lucario.
Darkrai staggers blindly about upon impact with the Take Down. He is winded and he knows it. He manages to pull off a Dark Pulse on Snivy, then disappears into thin air before reappearing behind Herdier to use another Dark Pulse.
"I don't have to play by the rules, kid. You have taken this to the next level. This is all out war."
He then sends a third Dark Pulse, but this time at the supports of Dusk's cabin. The cabin wobbles, then tips over to one side. Dusk's possessions are tossed around, and there is no way that he'll be able to sleep in there again.
"You will not be able to sleep at night - if you do, I will haunt your nightmares. Be warned, you do not want to get on my bad side anymore."
Darkrai floats towards Mt. Illusion again, hoping to find and stop Lucario before he saves Night.
Ben got up from his hiding spot to head over to the Volcano to see what was going on now. "Oshawott! Razor Shell!" he said to his Pokemon. It cut right through a rock leaving open an entrance. He returned the Pokemon to it's Pokeball. Ben crawled in and saw the 2 trainers Darkrai was talking about. He snuck in for further inspection. Ben fell in and grabbed onto a rock in the pool of lava. "Umm, help?" The other 2 trainers looked like they needed help themselves. Ben has never been in conditions this hot before, and then passed out.

OoC: This is all my excuse for going camping today thru Sunday.
OK, I understand. I'll make sure that not too much happens while you're away. Actually, I'll PM everyone Quiz 2 now.

Night hears a treading and hushes. He is contacting Lucario, who is apparently at the core of the volcano, using Force Palm on Heatran multiple times. Heatran is becoming agitated, but is near to fainting. As Night's highest levelled Pokémon, he may be able to defeat Heatran.

A voice follows the sound, and Night loses contact with Lucario at the disruption.

"Nero, Lucario is on his way, but he's nearly defeated Heatran."
He turns to look at the newcomer.
"Oh," he exclaims. "Hi, Ben. We'll need to get out of here quickly - I fear that Heatran will unleash something powerful."
At that, an unmistakeable roar of pain comes from Lucario - he has fainted.
"I have to find Lucario!"
"Pretty sure Ben passed out" Nero said with a slightly disappointed look on his face.
"We need to find Lucario? Where is he, deeper in the volcano?"
"He's right in the core, with Heatran, but if I can use my Revive on him, he could help us escape!"
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