Chapter 6: Another side, another story...
The pokemember: Carnivine Creator 123123 was not on his PC, as usual he was hanging out with his friends: Joe, Dyllan and Bradley.
"Hey guys, want to get an ice-cream?" Bradley suggested.
"Fine, but im not paying!" Dyllan said.
"Why not? Im not paying, Bradley is!" Joe said.
"Fine, ill pay" Bradley gave in.
So as they all walked outside, Carnivine folowed, he usually had something to say, but not today, today he was silent, there was something about this week that was diferent, he felt sad.
HE tripped on something, as he was falling, he felt time stop itself, slowly, s-l-o-w-l-y...
He got up, and walked outside, he gasped as he saw Joe, Dyllan and Bradley, but they werent moving, they werent even breathing.
"Hello, Carnivine Creator 123123," A voice called out.
He looked round, and saw a bay slightly older than him, in a suit of armour, apart from his helmet which he carried seperately.
"I am the vasoguard."
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