Hey everyone,
I need a deck optimal for a specific meta game at a tournament. As I am a Senior from Europe, I don't expect too many players to participate, maybe around 8. I know for sure that one of my opponents will be playing either Yveltal/Zoroark/Gallade or M-Mewtwo EX. I also think there will be two Manectric/Crobat and one Night March, but I don't know what those guys will play at last. Finally, I think there will be two to four guys with other/random decks, maybe even someone with a meta deck who I don't know yet.
I need a deck that is very favourable in that meta. I thought about playing Yveltal/Zoroark/Gallade or Manectric/Crobat myself, but I am up to any other deck as I am not so good at finding counters or predicting the meta.
Thank you for your help
Mewtwo variants and Gengar variants do have prevalence in the competitive meta. Mewtwo has recently been printed as a powerful Pokemon-EX with a powerful Mega Evolution (a mechanic introduced in the games in Generation VI). Running M Mewtwo-Y with Shrine of Memories would probably be your best Mewtwo deck in the current format, utilising a relatively mixed-aggressive strategy. You can find a PB article with a good deck list here.Hey there! This is actually my first post. Well with all the excitement of the Gen 1 games being rereleased for the 3ds and my local game store where I play Magic the Gathering at, is going to start doing Pokemon Tcg events. So now i've decided to start playing the Tcg. I got introduced to Pokemon years ago with Red and Blue version back for the original GameBoy and I still have some of my base set cards but i lost all my holographics.
I'm interested in Standard. Being a huge fan of Gen 1 is there like a Mewtwo/Alakazam maybe Gengar+ Dragonite deck?
Thanks in advance.
IMO, Trevenant BREAK has more advantages vs. Giratina EX; and, there are some other choices (e.g., Meowstic) to partner with Trevenant BREAK that would make its spread damage more effective.
I would first suggest you checkout the Deck Garage Forum and enter "trevenant" in the Search field. You can then see several, different Trevenant-Gengar deck examples. Perhaps find one you like and use that as a starting point for your deck? Afterwards, post a Thread in the Deck Garage with your revised deck list.Do you have any example decklists?
I'm going to play in some standard tournaments soon and I don't know which deck to play. The meta in my area is made up of mainly Y/Z/G, M Manectric and Toad. Are there any fast decks that have good match ups against these?