I'd say that BREAKPoint has more competitive cards, particularly with Greninja BREAK, water toolboxes (Palkia-EX, Manaphy-EX), a reprint of the powerful Garbotoxin Garbodor, Trevenant BREAK, Garchomp, Darkrai-EX, Delinquent, Fighting Fury Belt, Bursting Balloon, Max Elixir, Professor Sycamore and Puzzle of Time. I reckon its probably one of the most competitive sets in a while. I'm too sure what particularly competitive cards have come out of Fates Collide. I presume that there is Serperior, Barbaracle, Alakazam-EX, Mew, Marowak, Regirock-EX, Carbink, Zygarde-EX, Devolution Spray, N, Ultra Ball, DCE and Strong Energy; but not many of these may end up being tiered; unlike Greninja BREAK and Trevenant BREAK that are roughly tier 1 at present.
tl;dr I personally would recommend BREAKPoint over Fates Collide.