The Worst Lvl. X so far...

I may not have it built, but there are far worse LV.Xs than Raichu. Based off Nidoqueen being a tech in a fair number of decks, Gallade 4 LV.X may not be that great. Nidoqueen basically ruins all spread decks.
Seth1789110 said:
Dialga? Rayquaza? People, the worst X is Luxra-*shot*

Anyways, one of the worst X is Raichu X.


Don't use excessive bolding or caps to illustrate a point. Regardless, it's wrong to say. XD

dmaster out.
@dmaster: Sorry lol, but my point remains the same. I hate when a smart player says Raichu is bad(and they are correct), and then some n00bie says that exact statement: "I have a deck with Raichu X and its actually pretty good.". Because its not true, Raichu sucks.

@Dragonexpert: Gallade isn't bad. With the excessive spike in Dialga, who could shut off the bodies, Nidoqueen/Mewtwo could be shut off and attacked, keeping the spread going.
Raichu may be bad, but its "body" is enough to make it better than Dialga Lv X.

I actually pulled a Dialga in a pack a loooong time ago and traded it for a couple decent rares...

One person's trash is another person's treasure :D
Seth1789110 said:
@dmaster: Sorry lol, but my point remains the same. I hate when a smart player says Raichu is bad(and they are correct), and then some n00bie says that exact statement: "I have a deck with Raichu X and its actually pretty good.". Because its not true, Raichu sucks.

@Dragonexpert: Gallade isn't bad. With the excessive spike in Dialga, who could shut off the bodies, Nidoqueen/Mewtwo could be shut off and attacked, keeping the spread going.

honestly, there is no "correct" in that it is an opinion of a card...I've never thought Raichu was bad...just like I don't mind Dialga Lv. X, because they serve their purposes...Raichu has about the same potential as Salamence in getting a double KO from using it's ability...however, Raichu can't be sprayed, but can be Time Crystal'd...I'm not saying it's pretty good, but it's decent in it's job
Seth1789110 said:
@dmaster: Sorry lol, but my point remains the same. I hate when a smart player says Raichu is bad(and they are correct), and then some n00bie says that exact statement: "I have a deck with Raichu X and its actually pretty good.". Because its not true, Raichu sucks.

@Dragonexpert: Gallade isn't bad. With the excessive spike in Dialga, who could shut off the bodies, Nidoqueen/Mewtwo could be shut off and attacked, keeping the spread going.

Someone finished in 2nd at my cities running a very good Raichu, given I wouldn't run it, it is better than say Mismagius or Charizard
Yeh, he was running that with it, I might build a deck with this card cause it can't be power sprayed, although i like the deck Im running now, another bad Lv X all the Arceus! (maybe not Omniscients)
Vulpix Yolk said:
Yeh, he was running that with it, I might build a deck with this card cause it can't be power sprayed, although i like the deck Im running now, another bad Lv X all the Arceus! (maybe not Omniscients)

You know those are my opinions. I don't care really what your thought is on them. I mean if you like them so much then play them, have fun with it. But, I think they're all mediocre->pretty bad. How many Acreus decks won cities?
Soul Seeker said:
Nope, you have to end your turn, same as Hippowdon Lv.X can't use his power anymore.
I never said anything about Hippowdon LV.X. Hippodon LV.X is something completely different. Power Spray and Power cancel do not change the fact that the power was use, they only nullify the effect of it. I was talking about Dialga LV.X.

@BlazeTK: I tried running a weird deck that uses Arceus as a main attacker and actually did well with it. I nearly top cutted.
Glaceon was never very good... And while it had some time in the spotlight, it just fell over when it got on-stage.

Also I feel like Giratina had some trouble being used. Could be wrong.
Glaceon was still more useful than other LV.Xs. The main reason it doesn't seem as good anymore is because Dialga G LV.X shuts it down.
BlazeTK said:
You know those are my opinions. I don't care really what your thought is on them. I mean if you like them so much then play them, have fun with it. But, I think they're all mediocre->pretty bad. How many Acreus decks won cities?

I was saying Arceus WAS bad and I was thinking about making a Raichu but I like the deck I'm currently playing.
dragonexpert said:
I never said anything about Hippowdon LV.X. Hippodon LV.X is something completely different. Power Spray and Power cancel do not change the fact that the power was use, they only nullify the effect of it. I was talking about Dialga LV.X.

He was just using Hippowdon as an example.
Worst X has to be...Mismagius GL. That is the only lv X I never heard of until I saw it in a friends binder.
[strike]dmaster lv.x[/strike]:p on a serious note,i would say its snorlax,wasnt even playtested.
Maybe soul seeker lv.x too*hides*
Raichu while having its issues will be mies better once the HGSS one comes out PLUS fisherman for consecutive rounds of voltage shoot. Then again what card has ever made an 80 damage snipe useful in a deck, hmmmm....XD
Oh yeah and so far Dialga is the only card that no ones posted any good points about so.....
Porygon Z.0 said:
Then again what card has ever made an 80 damage snipe useful in a deck, hmmmm...XD

I think your forgetting about my buddy Garchomp C Lv. X.