The Worst Lvl. X so far...

Vulpix Yolk said:
Someone finished in 2nd at my cities running a very good Raichu, given I wouldn't run it, it is better than say Mismagius or Charizard

That kid was cheating and you know it. I think Mismagius isn't too good, but I can see it being used. Worst is Luxray IMO.
I think the two worst LV.Xs are Dialga LV.X (not Dialga G), and Infernape LV.X (not Infernape 4). The former has a sucky attack and a flippy power; the latter is just too specific to be put to much use. It might come in good for a brief period due to Ninetales HGSS, but Dialga LV.X was always horrible, sadly.
6-Dimension said:
That kid was cheating and you know it. I think Mismagius isn't too good, but I can see it being used. Worst is Luxray IMO.

I don't know if you know, but uhh.... Yeaaaa.... Look at what won Worlds again.
I think he was joking around mini DarthPika-err-Blaze TK. And Mismagmius is really good in unlimited*points to Il Transdentadsgjkrds's thread*. Works great there, but in competitive, eh.
(Lol I don't know his name, its T something...)
BlazeTK said:
I think your forgetting about my buddy Garchomp C Lv. X.
yeah that was the joke :p....I was pointing out the good points of raichu X by comparing it to good modern cards that are often played....unless you where also using sarcasm...
Still no ones posted good points for Dialga X and there's a reason for that, hehehe XD
Wow man this is now a 4 page thread! Great Topic!A lot of controversy on this one, keep it up!
well, after making someone skip 5 turns in a row with Dialga Lv. X's Time Skip...I have no problems with such a "FUN TECH", now would I use it, not at all
Dialga and Raichu are neither that bad. I mean, there are a lot better, but some are worse. What about Meteor Blast Arceus? drumroll.... Ack! Tails! 50 for 3! My vote goes to Charizard G Lv.X. There aren't many decks that won't have Charizard down in 5 turns (maybe less) anyways.:p
Porygon Z.0 said:
yeah that was the joke :p...I was pointing out the good points of raichu X by comparing it to good modern cards that are often played...unless you where also using sarcasm...
Still no ones posted good points for Dialga X and there's a reason for that, hehehe XD
Wow man this is now a 4 page thread! Great Topic!A lot of controversy on this one, keep it up!

Well it's the internet. Who knows what anyone's thinking. People are cancer.
Pokeplayer44 said:
Dialga and Raichu are neither that bad. I mean, there are a lot better, but some are worse. What about Meteor Blast Arceus? drumroll.... Ack! Tails! 50 for 3! My vote goes to Charizard G Lv.X. There aren't many decks that won't have Charizard down in 5 turns (maybe less) anyways.:p

That's just said without thinking. The Arceus deck that I think works the best is based on that Arceus. Just hit with 50-100 with double weakness thanks to Lucario and the versatility of the whole Arceus concept, and you got a fine deck. It is a bad card if you look at it, but in conjunction with everything else, it's the best Arceus out there.
6-Dimension said:
I've actually always thought Meteor blast Arceus is the best Arceus.

I'm actually more preferable to the Psychic Bolt Arceus considering the energy load that most Arceus decks will will be fairly easy to do 100 consistently, instead of having to worry about flipping for a possible 50
Dialga LV.X is TERRIBLE.

I don't see why you all are hating on Ray C LV.X. Energy Pickup, Blissey PT, Banette PT, and TGW/Looker's don't make him as bad as Dialga LV.X.
EspeonROX said:
Dialga LV.X is TERRIBLE.

I don't see why you all are hating on Ray C LV.X. Energy Pickup, Blissey PT, Banette PT, and TGW/Looker's don't make him as bad as Dialga LV.X.

and being able to actually fit all of that in a deck that works consistently is what makes it terrible...Dialga Lv. X is just a fun tech, something to throw salt in your opponents' game, and the only way to make RayCX work at all means having to use it as a main attacker, and there's no consistent way to get all energies back or have no hand in order to make it work...and this is coming from a Rayquaza fan
Yeah. I built a fun deck around this guy, and it kind of worked. I'd discard everything with Banette, and then do Final Blowup for 200. Next turn, heal with Blissey PT to discard the card I drew. Ray C X has a terrible Weakness, to Salamence and Garchomp, it's tough to run him. He's also slow. REALLY slow.
Kyroid said:
Luxray Gl Lv.x No use
I mean 2 For 60 Kingdra can do that for one

...dude just leave. Seriously. You obviously don't know what won worlds in ALL 3 DIVISIONS ;)

Luxray GL is by FAR the best Lv.X. Gust of wind power. And btw, it does 60 for 1 with an energy gain. Kingdra is a stage 2, while this thing is a basic. So Kingdra fails compared to Luxray.

Why are you all hating on Infernape Lv.X? When it first came out in 07, Inferncatty won like, 60+ BRs. That was back when BRs were worth 32K. And it did pretty good at nats. Burning Head was an engine back then. Flare up...2 for 150? And the fact they were ditching fires every turn? Nowhere near the worst.

I'll go with Dialga. Never had any playability, and just never worked.
Brawler said:
...dude just leave. Seriously. You obviously don't know what won worlds in ALL 3 DIVISIONS ;)

Luxray GL is by FAR the best Lv.X. Gust of wind power. And btw, it does 60 for 1 with an energy gain. Kingdra is a stage 2, while this thing is a basic. So Kingdra fails compared to Luxray.

Why are you all hating on Infernape Lv.X? When it first came out in 07, Inferncatty won like, 60+ BRs. That was back when BRs were worth 32K. And it did pretty good at nats. Burning Head was an engine back then. Flare up...2 for 150? And the fact they were ditching fires every turn? Nowhere near the worst.

I'll go with Dialga. Never had any playability, and just never worked.

I think he was joking. Infernape could be good if used right.
If I had to pick one it would probably be Dialga. But I think that charizard g was horrible. Others I think are bad are giritina, arceus psychic bolt, and sky forme shaymin.