The Worst Lvl. X so far...

I would say Charzard G X, it terrible! It was my first X I pulled out of a booster pack, and that is the only reason I'm keeping it. 1/10
Well not sure if it's the worst but the most OVERHYPED lv.x was
Raichu LV.X
Lucario LV.X was hyped but in the HP-MT/SW(can't remember which) it wasn't bad. It was also good in the DP-LA format, I saw it ran w/ Gliscor and Machamp LV.X very effectively in my area(separate decks). Also for me the worst though has to be Empoleon LV.X simply because at Empoleon's peak of being a tier one deck the X wasn't even used(4 DP Empoleon or 4 MD Empoleon)
Empoleon was played in some variants of the few empoleon decks. 80 snipe is a very useful thing to have in the modern format and supreme comand was an ok pokepower. Still he's nothing special...
Dialga did the same amount of damage, without the snipe, for one more energy and still had that awful side effect.
And please don't tell me he's not the worst because he's a "fun" deck because all these cards can be fun and they don't FAIL!!!and besides porygon Z LvX is the funnest Lvx to play ever.EVER XD
I don't think charizard is the worst simply because he can use the SP engine to help him to some extent.
BlazeTK said:
Worst Tier:
Charizard G
Infernape (DP)
Rayquaza C
Alakazam 四
Dialga (GE)
Arceus (Meteor Blast)

Bad Tier:
Arceus (Psychic Bolt)

Not Great/Misused/Never Used Much Tier:
Garchomp (MD)
Mismagius GL
Arceus (Omniscient)
I think drapion is actually pretty good now with DCE and spiritomb.
I made a Rayquaza deck, set up by turn 3 with consistent damage, problem is it's weakness.
I would say Gengar Lv X, such a disgrace to Gengar SF pioneers such as myself...