At Florida States this year I started with Unown Q and went first. If I won I would top cut. I got donked by a Garchomp with a DCE >.< CURSE YOU UNOWN Q!!!
Today sucked too. It's only the second day of school, and when I was working on a worksheet in Geometry blood started gushing out of my nose D: I'm in a magnet program at this school so I don't really know my way around except for the classrooms I go in, the cafeteria, and other main buildings. So I run out of the classroom with blood all over my hand, my shirt, and my face. I'm running down the hallway and when I exit the building because I saw the bathroom, and all of the Seniors were doing their Senior march across campus (Senior drum line plays and they just walk around the school in clumps in a line) and they all see me running in to the bathroom with blood all over me. SO embarrasing. I have a cold so that's why I got the nosebleed probably): oh yeah. First week of school and I can barely talk because I lost my voice and I have a cold. It sucks):