Finished The 'Would you rather...' Game!

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Gotcha...#1...I wouldn't want to see my mom kill herself...:(

Would you rather...

1: Talk about harakiri
2: Not talk about harakiri
bubba235 said:
(random...I meant that INFERNAPE was the friend instead of you or PIPLUP...:D)

***NEW*** Would you rather...

1: Get a free Ipod Video
2: Get a free Xbox360

Oh , so you hate me. thanks:( SOB!
WhAt!?! *pass*

Would you rather...

1: Never be able to sprite again
2: Never be able to draw again
Pass.... For number one do you mean literally? or family wize.

1. Be charizard

2. be blaziken
It has been proven in Beckett that Charizard is better, plus I like Charizard better :).

Would you rather:
1. Blow up your neighbors
2. Blow up a small island.

Would you rather~

1. Be someone with alot of money but doesn't have a life.


2. Be someone with a life without alot of money.
would you rather
1.get all the game consoles and games ever invented

2.have$10,000,000, but no more video games!
1. Well, if oyur gonna go down, go down in a heroic sort of way.

1. Cut your ear off

2. Cut your hand off?
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