Finished The 'Would you rather...' Game!

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Eat bread in the morning.(I do every day)

Would you rather...

Be homeless with food?
Be foodless with a home?
NEITHER!! I guess lick poo of the wall (cant believe i just said that)

Would you rather:
eat a talking ape
eat a seeing eye dog that those old people have
oh hard one....

Ill go , eat a talking ape , because my G-pa has a seeing eye dog

Would you rather ...

Lick a grimer


Lick a magikarp *awkward moment*
lick a Magicarp..Grimer is made of poison!

Yould you rather.....Wear Diapers for one year, or be a person for one year?
baskatball!(Infact, I play it now)

Would you rather wet the bed for 5 days or be retarted for 5 days?
By the way, Bellomence,You would get Hemroids If you sat on the toilet for one week....

Back To the subject:
dive to the deepest in the Pacific Ocean.

Would you rather:

Be a criminal,
Suck poop out of your best friend's butt,
be world famous for wetting the bed, ( lol )

Or get sick and die?

P.S.No is not an answer.
Be a criminal...

Would you rather...

A) Go on a date with a person of your same gender.
B) Kiss snorlax's butt
C) Lick a Toxicroak
D) All of thee above!
P.S. NO is not an answer and there is NO answer E.

Eat a bucket of maggots,

Eat half a bucket of worms, but eat the bucket too?
Uhhh Dress a girl.

Would you rather:

1.) Have Cyber-Sex
2.)Be Homo Sexual

P.S. No Is Not an answer; Or their is no answer 3.)

Would you rather:

1.) Have Hair Grow From Your Fave. Thing Ever
2.) Be A Banana
ok since i didnt understand 1 ill be a banana

would you rather

Go into space in a space ship
go deep in the ocean in a submarine
Moneyking63 said:
ok since i didnt understand 1 ill be a banana

would you rather

Go into space in a space ship
go deep in the ocean in a submarine

the deep in the ocean
Would you rather

eat banana
eat apples
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