the wrong answer game!

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No! Haha! this is the wrong answer game!!! So that means yes. But If I say it's the wrong answer game that means it isn't and what I just said means totally the opposite sooooooo.....

Am I confused?
Oh I am not answering that because it's the wrong answer game if I say no it means yes but it acually means no because youre talking about opposite day!

Why do I answer weirdly?
because youhate black people you racist.

Whats my favorite pokemon(If you get it right then you lose)
I like you ( get it it's not the wrong answer game!!!)

Why do you judge people without knowing them?
Some time soon ( By the way I know that, I'm religious but that doesn't make any sense anyway, oh! Right it's not the wrong answer game!)

Do you think shroobs are ugly? ( sorry togeshroob)
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