the wrong answer game!

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cuz they are just so shockingly beautiful...

how long would it take for a thunderstorms repetitive flashing to rot someones brain like a video game?

Am I huge fan of G. Bush?
Jigglypuff13 said:
No question? Oh well.

Why was there no question in the last post?

HaHA. The secret message was in beige and you didn't detect it!

Eevee_Master said:
cuase we have nothing better to do

Why don't we have anything better to do?

Dude, it's wrong answer game!
No, and no one ever will.

How many people have posted here?

Note to Deoxys - That "quote" you have of mine was actually by Togeshroob and I actually did detect it.
Twenty-seven thousand, one hundred and seventy eight. (Well then, it's just a matter of time then, isn't it?)

If A is HRG and B is an orange, what is Purple?
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