the wrong answer game!

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Because duolCC insulted him!

Why can Smeargle eat Banana Tofu at the speed of ducks while playing the electiric LV 100 Shiny Hopip as they jump through squares of water that were polluted by a Weezing because a Cacnea saw a Digglet with a unibrow while eating fudge grapes which caused it to spit the fudge grapes at a Hitmontop who thought the fudge grapes were flying saucers so he kicked them at your mom who dropped a mechanical pie on a Swellow who carried the pie to Antartica only to have a Walrein throw it all the way to China where a lovesick Fortress caught it then ate it only to spit the pie to South America where it finally hit the Weezing in question and caused him to pollute the water?
Absolutely not. But if the Hostess Twinkies say so, that is O.K.

Why did the Pidgey decide to eat 14 apples at the speed of sound while listening to Weezer's Beverly Hills as well as calling up his good buddy Feraligatr on a Motorola Razr that was abnormally green because a stupid Magikarp gangsta' used grafitti on it which is not against the law in the Pokemon world and why or why not you can or cannot speak against a Sentret pounding his fist against your windowsill because he wants you to beat him up with a toaster neglecting the fact that Amendment number one says that we have the freedom of speech?
Duh! That's easy, because a skelton doesn't have guts!

So you're driving on the highway in a pink canoe. Your tire falls off. How many pancakes does it take to fill up a green doghouse?
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