TheNextShamanKing's Online Tournament (Round Two Pairings Up!)

RE: TheNextShamanKing's Online Tournament (Round One Pairings Up!)

You can choose who you want to be, either one of you guys can be the host.
Teppo27 said:
I'm pretty sure both of the people involved need to have a Hamachi network to make sure you can both connect.

One person needs to "wait for a guest" and the other person needs to "call a host."

The person who "calls a host" needs to enter in the host's IP#. To find your IP#, just open up Hamachi and create a network. Once you have a network, look at the numbers on the top of the Hamachi screen; they should look something like: 12.34.567.890
Enter that number into the "Host IP" under: preferences - network connection.

Once you have the Host's IP entered into your "host IP box" you both need to go to "New Game."
Once you are in "New Game" select mode 3 or 4 depending on who is hosting and who is calling a host.
Enter your deck in the area below the mode you choose.

After all of this, click "start" to begin connecting to your opponent. (Note! You only have a window of about 30 seconds to connect with your opponent, so you might need to chat via AIM/MSN/a instant messaging program to get the timing right.)

Hamachi has IM, so you guys can talk to each other easily.
RE: TheNextShamanKing's Online Tournament (Round One Pairings Up!)

How do I get to the 'Hamachi Screen'?
RE: TheNextShamanKing's Online Tournament (Round One Pairings Up!)

just download hamachi and double click the icon
RE: TheNextShamanKing's Online Tournament (Round One Pairings Up!)

Ah, thanks, I have it all up and running now... Now I just have to wait for my partner to be online...
RE: TheNextShamanKing's Online Tournament (Round One Pairings Up!)

kool2def247 said:
I would like to join, if I can.

Sorry, but registration is closed for this tournament.

And sorry for not posting in response to your problem ariadosguy. I was away from the computer. I'm glad you got it all figured out though.

And to Zyflair and adrianhk, thank you for posting answers. I really appreciate it! :D
RE: TheNextShamanKing's Online Tournament (Round One Pairings Up!)

Sorry, but registration is closed.

Also ShamanKing if you didn't get my PM , I won in the round where I was battling Lunar Wing.
RE: TheNextShamanKing's Online Tournament (Round One Pairings Up!)

Yes, thank you. Your win has been recorded.

And tsuni_the_kingdra_master, as (Randy-Arnold) had said, registration is closed.
RE: TheNextShamanKing's Online Tournament (Round One Pairings Up!)

We have four whole rounds and then a top cut of four...

A whole month at the least...
RE: TheNextShamanKing's Online Tournament (Round One Pairings Up!)

Ack... I'm going to drop out. There's no way I'm ever gonig to get on at the same time as my opponents. Too bad, 'cause I had a gun Dusknoir deck built... D:
RE: TheNextShamanKing's Online Tournament (Round One Pairings Up!)

Yeah, it's really impossible for us to play. Can we repair or something?
RE: TheNextShamanKing's Online Tournament (Round One Pairings Up!)

I'm not trying to be impatient or anything but where are the pairings for Round 2?
RE: TheNextShamanKing's Online Tournament (Round One Pairings Up!)

I believe we are having horrible issues with the people trying to battle each other online.
RE: TheNextShamanKing's Online Tournament (Round One Pairings Up!)

Ahh now it makes sense why the second round pairings aren't up yet.
RE: TheNextShamanKing's Online Tournament (Round One Pairings Up!)

Sorry but I'm going have to drop out. With the events occurring at the moment, I am unable to compete so I'm dropping out.
RE: TheNextShamanKing's Online Tournament (Round One Pairings Up!)

Sorry about that. Due to some circumstances beyond my control, I have been unable to post round 2 pairings until now.

But before I do that, let me say something. For the people who have not responded AT ALL, you have been dropped. So, without further ado, I officially drop The Dark Toxicroak and SheimiGiratina from the tournament. I am sorry, but you have to respond to my PMs or have the time to play in this tournament.

Ariadosguy and dragonspy900 have also officially dropped because of time issues. I'm really sorry about that, but I'm afraid there is nothing any of us can do about that.

And to Phoenix: You need to post or PM your results to me as well. I am counting that round as a win for Jamtok, but please contact me next time.

This all being said, I now have five round one wins and three round one losses. So someone is paired down. Sorry... :(

Round 2 Pairings are...

Table 1: (Randy Arnold) vs. Zyflair
Table 2: cheetor586 vs. Jamtok
Table 3: serebii1997S vs. Tracy
Table 4: Phoenix vs. Lunar Wing

Let the games...

(Randy-Arnold) said:
I'm going to have to drop...
All my decks are gone and stuff.
Sorry I had to drop.
Aww... seriously?

What happened? Did you lose something? Surely you can re-install it quickly.
Not good... And by the way things are going, I might have to drop somebody else as well.

(Randy-Arnold), is there any POSSIBLE way to recover your decks? Any??? Please...

And to everyone else:

Round two results have had their deadline pushed back to Monday because pairings were put up late. Sorry about that again, but there was no possible way to post them earlier.

Zyflair: I will post records next round.