I think your theory is correct. They will probably synchronize it so we can all celebrate Pokemons 25th anniversary together.
That's because they really didn't do anything beyond translate and distribute the cards and had to fight with Nintendo just to get one secret rare made. PCL/Creatures has been calling the shots in the TCG since day one. Which is why I always hard roll my eyes when older players bemoan Wizards losing the Pokemon TCG license because "their" cards were "better"/"more balanced"/whatever.
I hope they do sync the sets!! The video games are now synced, why can't the TCG? However...
1) This is assuming TPCi does NOT make their own reprint sets like Base Set 2 or Legendary Collection.
For point the first, the reprint sets were typically a product of the TCG and VG releases not being synced in the first place. Power Keepers and Call of Legends in particular were necessary to stall until DP and BW came out a couple months later.
And we lost English Vending and VS for BS2 and LC so screw Wizards.
TPCi's never done a reprint set on par with WOTC's, i.e. one where there are no new cards or even artwork at all, so there's not much reason to worry they would. TPCi does them to stall or because Japan did them too.
And we lost English Vending and VS for BS2 and LC so screw Wizards.
Honestly, my real issue is that you end up stating your theories as fact after you make them, which then causes other people to do the same. I just think you need to control your excitement over things that you want to happen because you have a lot of influence, and once you end up getting something wrong it's gonna backfire.You need to break down my arguments if you're going to state something like this. Quote my sentences, disprove my logic with facts and precedence, and then go from there. Your post right now adds no meaningful value to this discussion. So please explain your reasoning.
Lately he's been stating that the letters are legality markers as fact. That's 100% on him. I'm worried he'll do the same for this if more evidence mounts.WPM clearly states this is a theory in both the headline and the speculation itself in this case though. He's also acknowledged when he's been wrong in the past, and in general people in a fandom probably should be a little more discerning when choosing what to believe before things are officially revealed/playing out.
OMG this would be so great. I HATE how late we get packs in US and how the packs are so bloated.
In Japan, they get a bunch of new dark pokemon and support cards in a dark pack. In US, they cram like 3 or 4 packs into one so if all I wanted was the dark pokemon, even if I get literally 100 packs, I still get shafted and sometimes only get 1 of a specific GX I was looking for.
I literally got 100 code cards for Unified Minds and didn't get a single Umbreon & Darkrai. I'd be so hype to not get packs that are bloated up with 300 cards anymore and not have to wait either...