BW/BW2 There should be "HM slave" party slots

Tarazuma said:
And FYI cut is absolutely required in R/B to get into Surge's gym. I don't remember if it was required in G/S or R/S. Never bothered with D/P so idk about the HMs in that if that's what you were referring to.
I know, but I bet you didn't have already 6 Pokemon at that time, did you? At least I didn't have, so it wasn't that much of a problem to catch a Bellsprout or something to take around for some time.
....oh joy more pointless complaining.
Look just do what everyone else does make Linoone the HM save and let it pick up stuff for you during the main story.
Reasons why some people don't like having HM Slaves, is that they take up a slot in your team that can be used for an actually useful Pokemon. Some people just don't like having to waste a spot in their team for an HM Slave, when it can be used for a Pokemon that actually has some use... people like me. xD
Luigibuster8989 said:
It would be best if they added extra slots for Hm slaves.But wouldn't that make training (unless you actually did use those slots for hm slaves)A bit more difficult?

Well the slots wouldn't effect battle or exp in any way. Not even if they had exp share or something. But regardless, the other's ideas of field moves or key items would work better lol

Pokequaza said:
I know, but I bet you didn't have already 6 Pokemon at that time, did you? At least I didn't have, so it wasn't that much of a problem to catch a Bellsprout or something to take around for some time.

True, I only have 4 members of my team at that point, so I just catch a Paras and teach it cut and flash. The HMs only becomes a problem near the middle and end where I have to switch out at least once.
Needing to have a hm slave in your team isn't even much of a "challenge" as someone mentioned earlier it's just a nuisance.
Do we even need a HM Slave? Why can't their be items like Saw, Flashlight, Hammer, Surfboard, Climbing Gear, Power Glove?
or gf could just make hms better: like making cut a steel version of slash, or making rock climb a rock type move, or making strength a fighting type move, or never EVAR make defog or whirlpool hms EVAR again (those moves suck castform weather balls)

it would be cool if we could have a designated hm slave slot and the slave would follow you around
"Oh no, my pokemon can only have four moves, and one of them is Cut! But Cut sucks, wahhh! Who cares if I have three other attacks I can use, CUT IS HORRIBLE AND I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO BE STUCK WITH IT =[[[[["

Geez you guys. It's not that big a deal. It's in-game. I was able to fit all eight HMs on both my Diamond and HeartGold teams--of six--easily. And it's not like they're all bad, anyway; Fly, Surf, Strength, Rock Climb, and Waterfall are all good attacks. Surf and Waterfall are even used competitively.

Even the lame ones aren't worth complaining about. It's one move on one pokemon. Oh no. Violins'll start any minute. Cut is used (in the field) for a good chunk of the game; only towards the end do you not really need it anymore, and by that point you've reached the move deleter, so you can just get rid of it anyway! The same goes for Rock Smash (although it has a pretty cool effect), Defog, and Whirlpool.

At least they had the sense to make Flash a TM, but that's only because it was really, really bad, and had almost no use in the field.

The point is, stop complaining about having to deal with HMs. It's not as bad as you think.
Lickitung can learn six different HM's including Surf, just not Waterfall, so he's a great companion.
Smeargle can Sketch them all. There's a huge difference. You also need Surf to even get to Smeargle, so...
never gonna happen, pokem on will always learn Hm's and there will never be extra slots for them, nor will there be "hammer, flashlight, surfboard, etc." items to replace HMs face it, they are here to stay
Abomasnow-Man29 said:
...oh joy more pointless complaining.

PMJ said:
The point is, stop complaining about having to deal with HMs. It's not as bad as you think.

Abomasnow Man and PMJ are apparently part of the small minority that never once has complained about HMs and think nothing of them. That makes a grand total of 3 so far in this topic, the other being Pokequaza. In all my 12 years of Pokemon these are the only 3 individuals I've personally met who think HMs are just fine and dandy.

Like them if you want, that's your opinion, but don't tell the majority that our opinions are unjustified. Why justify Gamefreak's clunky, outdated, HM mandate and disregard the creative alternatives people are coming up with here? The majority's consensus is that HMs are a pointless waste of time, space, and a complete nuisance, NOT a challenge, and not something that should just be dealt with quietly without even so much as a PEEP of dissatisfaction.

Seriously, what is it with people having problems with other's opinions and telling us to "shut up and deal with it" instead of just letting us voice our opinions and think outside the box in peace? I guess no forum is an exception to this -.-

We have every right to complain about something that ruins the gameplay experience for us and coming up with reasonable alternatives. No one here is just saying "I HATE HMs" and providing no basis or alternatives. We're actually putting THOUGHT into this, unlike Gamefreak.
@Tarazuma: I've seen you on Serebii, so I can guess what other forums you're referring to.

Mean bashers are mean.

Anyway, HMs are indeed antiquated and (after the first 4 generations) a bore. The field item idea is great, but GF is unaware of our pain, I'm convinced.
I wish there was a reasonable alternative, but it seems like I'll just have to stomach the HM's. Shan't be too hard.
HM slaves, jokes :p but ya making them a key item would be so much easier. but also still allowing pokemon to learn them if you want them too because surf and fly I dont mind using in battle
Yeah, there are plenty that usable. If they stick around I'm kinda hoping for new ones to replace the current ones. Just so long as I get Surf and Watefall again.
Hellion said:
@Tarazuma: I've seen you on Serebii, so I can guess what other forums you're referring to.

Mean bashers are mean.

Anyway, HMs are indeed antiquated and (after the first 4 generations) a bore. The field item idea is great, but GF is unaware of our pain, I'm convinced.

Really? I haven't been on the Serebii forums in years haha. But yeah, there was alot of opinion bashing on there.

And yeah, unfortunately Gamefreak probably won't change it's tired old HM formula, but it's nice to come up with alternatives anyways. Yet another instance where the fanbase is more creative then the game company :/