This Blastoise is killing me

Koga's Wrath

Aspiring Trainer
(sorry In Advance if this is in the wrong place)

So my buddy plays a water deck, and has one card in particular that is a constant pain in the ass. I believe it's the Platinum Blastoise.

Now, I keep re-reading this card looking for a loop hole or something. Something to explain why this card is (seemingly) so damned over powered. Maybe it's just me (been playing this game for 11 years and am still noobish) but this card strikes me as totally ridiculous.


Can anyone shed some light on this card? Is there some trick to it I'm not seeing?

whats so rediculous about this blastoise?
its damage output is so-so and its snipe attack is okay.

aqua press is a weaker version of lanturn prime. and blastoise UL is a better sniper
Just seems like the combination of Poke-power and attack make for a ridiculous amount of damage. A couple turns on the bench, and he can one shot anyone. But, maybe it's just me.
Yeh Luxray Lv.X plus Lucario GL beats this card into the ground, if you need a quick counter use that, also if you want to PM your deck list I can help you work a possible better counter into your current deck.
Double Launcher can kill basics, babies or anyone who tries to flee. Not exactly a bad move but UL Blastoise is my favourite, snipe someone for a 100, if it doesn't kill it will certainly hurt them bad.
Yeah I remember running that Blastoise in my Blastcatty deck, good times. I ran it with Platinum Delcatty for Power Circulation to get energies back for Blastoise with Dig Well. I ran it with Metagross SV for awhile to bench snipe targets, most notably Uxie and Azelf from Legends Awakened.

Still legal too, however Claydol made the deck more consistent. Now we have BlastiGatr or rather the new Wailord from HS Triumphant replacing Blastoise UL in Feraligatr Prime decks, Magnezone Prime variants could be pretty good as well.
The first question I have is are you sure it isn't THIS Blastoise?
Next, I think it might have to do with the kind of deck you're running itself, because you might be having a devil of a time with your matchup with this card. Double Launcher is usually used to pick off basics, but even so Blastoise can't take too many hits, considering his damage input is relatively low compared to other cards in the format.
What deck are you running when you battle your friend, anyway? And what is your friend running alongside the Blastoise that gives you so much trouble?