This is me (: [sorry~]

Fuday K.

Aspiring Trainer

I drew this.
It's suppose to be me.
I'm saying that I love Palmer ++ electric Pokemon.

I love Volkner more than Palmer but right now I'm going through a [Palmer x Barry] obsession. xDD;;;;; Sorry. Weird there.

Sorry for the randomness~
So cute! I like all the crazy pieces of the outfit. Very colorful and cute chibi style. ^o^

Also, that pairing is full of win. >w>
oyeah1988 said:
Cute art ^-^. BTW you do know Palmer and Barry are Father & Son right??

xDDD Yes I do. I'm messed up like that. But they are just so cute <33

Kaishu;; omg i know huh xD <3<3<3<3<3<3