Well, since my last RMT suddenly disappeared, I've decided, to heck with Hail. It began to suck, and I couldn't work with it. So I went and started playing around in UU looking for some fun, I fell in love with one specific Pokemon. Azumarril, it's a beast in UU. I thought, well why not just add that into an OU RMT? So, I began to think, what other UU guys could work miracles, in OU. Well, Mew was the first thing that popped to my mind. Great, I can use a Swords Dance set, and Baton Pass that to a Banded Azumarrils Waterfall, oh how deadly that would be. Well, I don't wanna be to cliche, and add rain to boost it even more. Even then I can rely on having rain usually, so I just went with weatherless offense.Well, as explained above, I fell in love with this guy in UU, and thought It'd make a great late game sweeper in OU. Thanks to 'Huge Power' it's attack sky-rockets, and compares with that of Groudon. It may be slow, but I found ways around that. This guy just doesn't stop partying all night long with the sweeps.
Mew makes an amazing Baton Passer. It is also the most versatile pokemon in the game. It can use Swords Dance or Nasty Plot to boost his ally's attack or special attack. This makes him an amazing support for a team that's late game sweeper requires just a little bit of a boost to finish stuff off. Mew is just another one of the guys I fell in love with during my UU time.
Venomoth is so underrated I just felt bad. I would have used Volcarona, but then I noticed that Tinted Lense is gonna be the new best ability in the game. Venomoth is fast, and a great Quiver Dance sweeper. It still has that Stealth Rock weakness but I've been using him early to spread around damage, especially on the free switches it can get.
*** I did use Politoed here and it just ruined the entire team ***
Alakazam. Yet one more underrated Pokemon that I think deserves more. it's got the same Ability as Reuniclus, but much less bulk. But his speed helps this team a lot. Sure it might get 2HKO'd but it can dish out some serious attacks when it's needed. On paper it looked terrible, in battle it has the 3rd most KO's out of the team.
*** This is wear I added Volc instead of Venomoth to test, it really sucked much much more ***
I needed some hazards. Also, at this time Volc was destroying my team, people would get the free Quiver Dance on my switch, and just Bug Buzz/Heat Wave all the way home. So I thought to myself, what has Hazards, and counters Volc. Well, Heatran was the first thing that popped into my head. I remember him from my old teams, and I started to love him again. So Smack in Heatran came to the team.
*** This is where I added Dragonite and tested, it failed miserably in the team because of all the other dragons in this format. ***
I needed a Dragon type, to deal with all of the others in this format. Well, I remember running Latios in a team and he just dominated. I remembered that I already have 2 set up sweepers, so a Ditto revenge kill was pretty nasty, so I stuck with the non set up sweeping set that I've played for a while. It turned out great, He helps a lot to get Azumarril ready for it's midnight party.
In Depth Analysis
Heatran (M) @ Air Balloon
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Fire Blast
- Earth Power
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Stealth Rock
Synergy With the Team:
Well, the fist thing you see when you look at Heatran is "Oh cliche, amazing attacker, and good lead" Well, what I see is two things, #1 <333333 #2, great, now Volc will be running down the hill screaming after I get done with it. I love it's acsess to Stealth Rock, this helps loads when I see Volc in my opponets team preview. With Kyurem on the rise, Fire Blast, and Earth Power keep it off my tail. Heatran also provides Hidden Power Ice, this makes a great counter to Grass types, as well as Dragon types. Heatran is an all around attacker, but I'm debating changing Fire Blast to something much more suiting, kinda like Heat Wave or Incinerate. Let me know what you guys think. With Air Balloon over Life Orb, I know i'm safe from Edgequake. This makes Heatran a 2HKO by Earthquake, at the least.
Mew @ Leftovers
Trait: Synchronize
EVs: 252 HP / 188 Def / 68 Spd
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Baton Pass
- Softboiled
- Swords Dance
- Dragon Tail
Synergy With the Team:
I know this set sucks, I made it off the top of my head. I generally use Swords Dance to get Azumarril ready for the Baton Pass. Softboiled ensures that I can keep alive just long enough to get that Baton Pass in. Dragon Tail is if I get into a bad situation, I just force them to switch, and with Stealth Rock out, they do take damage from that, it also free's up a guy who Azumarril can hopefully resist. I honestly think this will be the first set to be removed, and the first guy to be taken off the team if I need to update, he doesn't perform that well, and when I get stuck with him, I usually lose.
Azumarill (F) @ Choice Band
Trait: Huge Power
EVs: 212 HP / 252 Atk / 44 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Aqua Jet
- Superpower
- Waterfall
- Return
Synergy With the Team:
Well, Azumarril is usually left untouched until the late game. I love using her, she has massive sweeping powers. Huge Power doubles an already nice attack stat. Not to mention the boost from the Band, and the Nature. Hopefully he can get some boosts from Mew, and this makes him something not to be messed with. His Priority STAB Aqua Jet makes an amazing sweep, and he can always use Return. I chose Return Because it is a safe option to run. It has good damage when I need it to, just the Ghost Immunity does kinda hurt.
Venomoth (F) @ Lum Berry
Trait: Tinted Lens
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Quiver Dance
- Sleep Powder
- Bug Buzz
- Psychic
Synergy With the Team:
Well, I needed another sweeper, so I picked Venomoth. Tinted Lens is probably the best ability in the game, I honestly can't find a better one (unless there's one that makes OHKO moves have 100 acc I'd <3 that). Venomoth is the Volc of Under appreciated. She's amazing with her speed, elegance, and the way she can sweep with Quiver Dance. After using Sleep Powder, I can get that free Quiver Dance because of the switch. This puts me at +1. I've had people stay in, then I got to +6, and that turned it into a GG match.
Alakazam (F) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Magic Guard
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Psychic
- Focus Blast
- Shadow Ball
Synergy With the Team:
When you look at him, you can easily say, wow, what a pethetic Pokemon. Well, that's just on paper, it's just like Amoonguss, looks horrible on Paper preforms in battle. I use Alakazam for a quick Psychic, or Shadow Ball. Rarely have I gotten it to use Calm Mind and survive. I love to mechanics to this Pokemon. Focus Blast can KO Magnezone which is a prominent threat to this team, and Resists Latios.
Latios (M) @ Expert Belt
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Dragon Pulse
- Surf
- Psyshock
- Recover
Synergy With the Team:
I needed a Dragon type to counter my sweepers weakness. So I chose Latios. I didn't use the Calm Mind Set because that makes my team a super duper slow team, because I have to set up not just 2 main sweepers, but potentially another one. I generally have no issue's with this set, I do wish how ever that Soul Dew wasn't banned to Ubers it'd help a lot. Surf can get Heatran's out of my way that generally resist most of my time spare Azumarril. Latios needs some good bulk, so I used the 252 SpD and he can act like a specail wall.
Threat List
Large Threat Medium Threat
Low Threat
- Sub+Bulk Up Toxicroak I can slowly ware him out, but It does appreciate the rain help.
- LO Tornadus-T Outspeeds all my team, and can OHKO it all because of Hurricane.
- Jellicent Granted it resists most moves on Azumarril, but I can KO it eventually, and it doesn't cripple the team to much.
- Volt Turn Azumarril could hit them, but its speed is just ugh. They also hit back with Volt Switch (or something like that) and it does really hurt.
Smogon - For the Sprites
[member] Holy Mackeral [/member] - Making the banner it's amazing
[mod] Xous [/mod] - Letting Me and Holy Mackeral use his art for the banner... Thanks