Discussion Thoughts on BDIF for standard after rotation?

Calvin Anderson

Aspiring Trainer
I think buzzwole might lose it's spot as BDIF after rotation for the standard format. Squidboys will be BDIF imo since the deck doesn't lose too much out of it's core. The key is finding the correct ratio of supporters for those that are being rotated out. What is everyone else's thoughts?
I'm pretty sure Buzzwole/Lycanroc will change pretty drastically. I'd agree that it probably won't be BDIF, as Strong Energy really allows it to hit some good numbers, Baby Buzzwole is still a fairly easy to set up 1 prize attacker, where if your opponent hits 4 prizes, you have the opportunity to set up a pretty formidable board state.

As for what will take its place, Malamar might be in contention, but Zoroark might do better even though it loses mainly puzzle of time, given that most Zoroark Decks do fair well against Malamar decks.

What I'm really hyped for is being able to play Ludicolo/Magcargo, even though Swampert is just a better card and Zoroark is just easier to setup. Still love Ludicolo, though!
yea zoroark anything is going to be good, i was looking at zoro/shiftry since judge and copycat will be good synergy for the deck and zoro can get you to the same amount of cards in hand as your opponent. plus shiftry hits all the right numbers against any deck and has beefy 240hp
It's going to be rock-paper-scissors.

VikaBulu, Beast Box, Zoroark

Couple of wildcard things to consider:

- Zoroark - We don't know who the best partner will be for Zoroark if it needs one (unless Zoroark will be the primary attacker with a bunch of techs). There's A LOT of different directions it can go, but it needs a way to hit better numbers.

- Malamar - Sure, it doesn't lose much and there's way to fix a lot of its problems. But losing Sycamore and Max Elixir hurts its ability to better draw into what it wants in the early early game. It's not going to be as consistent as what we are currently seeing. Once it gets going, it bowls over all over everything. That said, I think the deck teeters on the edge of tier-1 and tier-2