Electimortar's Trade Thread
My Info
- Pokemon HeartGold Friend Code - 4082 7193 4210
- Pokemon Pearl Friend Code - 3266 2263 9698
- My Rep Thread
- Be smart.
- No hacked Pokemon.
- Please try to leave a rep, in my rep thread.
- Follow all PokeBeach rules.
- Bulbasaur
- Charmander
- Squirtle
- Chikorita
- Cyndaquil
- Totodile
- Treecko
- Torchic
- Mudkip
- Turtwig
- Chimchar
- Piplup
- Metagross (Possibility of being hacked [NOT UT])
- Eevee (I can get all of its evolutions, too)
- Shinx
- Poliwhirl
- Banette
- Roselia
- Dustox
- Marowak
- Gardevoir (NOT UT)
- Rapidash (NOT UT)
- Drifblim (NOT UT)
- Rattata
- Golbat
- Noctowl
- Pelipper
- Buizel
- Misdreavus
- Aggron (Nicknamed "Pointy" [NOT UT])
- Alakazam (NOT UT)
- Sneasel
- Machamp
- Flygon (NOT UT)
- Nidoking (NOT UT)
- Nidoqueen (NOT UT)
- Camerupt
- Larvitar
- Riolu
- Ariados
- Skarmory
- Kabuto
- Omanyte
- Lileep
- Anorith
- Shieldon
- Cranidos
- Aerodactyl
- Croagunk
- Duskull
- Houndour
- Magneton
- Tentacruel
- Suicune
- Moltres
- Articuno
- Zapdos
- Rotom
- Mesprit
- Azelf
- Uxie
- Regigigas
- Palkia
- Dialga
- Latias
- Latias
- Cresselia
- Deoxys (Possibly Hacked)
- Kyogre (Possibly Hacked)
- Regirock
- Regice
- Registeel
- Giratina
- All Hayley Pokemon
- PKTOPIA Pikachu (Was put in daycare)
- VGC09 Milotic
- TRU Dragonite
- ALAMOS Darkrai
- 11th Movie Regigigas
- TRU Manaphy
- TRU Shaymin
- 11th Movie Shaymin
- 10 ANIV Celebi (Possibly hacked [NOT UT])
- Eigakan Arceus
- CHANNEL Jirachi (Possibly hacked [NOT UT])
- WISHMKR Jirachi
- NintendoZone Jirachi (Modest)
- NintendoZone Jirachi (Jolly)
- NintendoZone Jirachi (Hardy)
- NintendoZone Jirachi (Rash)
- MYSTRY Mew (Possibly Hacked [NOT UT])
- Hadou (Wave) Mew (Possibly Hacked [NOT UT])
- Aura Mew (Possibly Hacked [NOT UT])
- HG/SS Mew
- Mitsurin Celebi
- 10ANIV Ho-oh (Possibly hacked [NOT UT])
- 10ANIV Lugia (Possibly hacked [NOT UT])
- PKTOPIA Electivire
- Shokotan/Pikachu-Colored Pichu
- All three Crown Beasts
- Eigikan Celebi
- Mostly anything, just ask.
- Shinies
- Events
- EV'd Pokemon
- ~SHINY LAPRAS~ *Will trade up to three Pokemon for this *