Pokemon Three Legendary dogs?

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Yes, I'm referring to Entei, Suicune and Raikou.
I was just wondering.. why are they often called the "Three Legendary Dogs", when, in my opinion, most of them seem more feline than canine?

For example, Entei resembles a lion rather than a dog, and Raikou's appearance looks similar to that of a tiger.
Neither of them look like dogs to me.

Suicune is the only one that confuses me.
To me, it doesn't really look like or a dog or a cat. In fact, I think it looks like a deer or something. =P

So why are they known as dogs in the first place? =/
You know, I had the same question. The look nothing like dogs (except Entei, to me at least), so why they are called that is anyone's guess.
FireMeowth said:
Actually, they're normally called Legendary Beasts. t_t
And Suicune is goatish. : D

Raikou is the tiger, Entei is the lion, Suicune is the wolf.

And they are actually called the Legendary Beasts. Suicune is seen as the "leader" of the trio. Most likely because he had the lead in Pokémon Crystal. And because Suicune was the only dog of the three, they were quickly reffered to as the legendary dogs instead of beasts.
Well, actually, since cats are generally more laid back & relaxed, and the dogs are quite... ferocious, if you will, it would make sense to refer to them as dogs. And actually, Suicune is not the leader of the trio, but Ho-oh is. This is based on the fact that Ho-oh was the one who brought them new life after they died in the burning tower.


It doesn't resemble a wolf in any way (apart from having four legs, two eyes and a mouth).
i'm just posting facts :p Officially, Suicune is a wolf

(i like how your signature is a great finish for each of your posts xD)
To me, Entei looks like a St Bernard, Suicune a pointer, Raikou a Mastif
The closest cat I can think of that could be Suicune would be a cheetah or something. The spots, and that it's pretty fast. :p
Mence Master said:
Well, actually, since cats are generally more laid back & relaxed, and the dogs are quite... ferocious, if you will, it would make sense to refer to them as dogs. And actually, Suicune is not the leader of the trio, but Ho-oh is. This is based on the fact that Ho-oh was the one who brought them new life after they died in the burning tower.

The trio does Ho-oh's work, IIRC. Ho-oh revived them, and they serve it. Suicune is the leader of the 3, and Ho-oh gives all of them orders.

And I like Suicune moar. :D
Staraptor said:
Yes, I'm referring to Entei, Suicune and Raikou.
I was just wondering.. why are they often called the "Three Legendary Dogs", when, in my opinion, most of them seem more feline than canine?

For example, Entei resembles a lion rather than a dog, and Raikou's appearance looks similar to that of a tiger.
Neither of them look like dogs to me.

Suicune is the only one that confuses me.
To me, it doesn't really look like or a dog or a cat. In fact, I think it looks like a deer or something. =P

So why are they known as dogs in the first place? =/

Dogs could be the translation to english when japanese meant beasts.
This person obviously thinks they're feline:


Yeah. The term "dogs" just doesn't seem to fit our trio. :/
I believe they are dogs, they look like dogs to me, and seem vicious, like dogs would, however, they look like different breeds of dogs.

(zyflair, who is "this person" do not tell if you can't, but many artisted named "this person" tend to find their way into your posts)
This artist is Japanese, and I do not know his/her name. Many artists I view are Japanese, so I have to say "this person".
Suicune Looks a lot more feline...ish, If you remove that crystal, and.... purple stuff off of his head.
I don't think that they look like dogs:/. But they deffinatley all of them some kinds of beats or dogs

Entei- Tiger

Sucuine- Wolf

Raikou- Cat thing?

Raikou looks the most Cat-ish though o_O
Raikou is more like a Tiger, I think it's also the fastest out of the three
Dark Marc said:
Sucuine- Wolf
Suicuine looks nothing like a wolf. Actually compare it to a real wolf, and you'll realize the anatomy is different.
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