Throw something at the next poster

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Uh Oh!!! takes a rocket ship and goes 2 a different planet then throws earth (earth will explode in 10 secs.)
Three steps of rescuing Earth:
  • Smack KeyBlade in the face
  • Throws an Anti-Nuke
  • Then throws a pokeball
i put a guy in front of me to block the pokeball and then throws a amry of mammals,sea creatures & sea mammals
*dodges plushie*
*looks for the army*
*throws everone where he is*
*then knocks him out so he cant go any where*
Four ways to save my army:
1.Uses genegade sheild
2.Gets a Army of spartans
3.Gives them lasers
4.Tells them to attack (I throw them in battle)
Why again a nuke? I stuff the nuke in charizard's mouth wich increase its fire blast 50 times more and then i throw charizard in the next poster's face!!!
I use teleport to switch places with Jason Rules , throws a pichu and fuses with arceus and i throw archu(new mix name) in Jason's face and uses Thunder Full Power =)
before i get shocked i get sent to a monkeys body then i eat the banana and then throw my monkey friend Dk
No i let him live and throw peach so mario gets distracted by her =P
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