
Bacon Boy: The thing is that he can set as many as those counters as he likes. Meaning to use it on two or more of your EX then snatching at least 4 prizes with at least three attacks.
Ok, thats kinda good then... but if you have a good deck you should be abe to KO that tyranitar quickly no probs :D
It'll still become a powerful card, but then there are loads already, not alot to worry about!
Bacon Boy: Tyranitar EX has 150 HP!!!! I'll doubt that any deck that doesn't hit 200 dmg or has it's weakness can do anything about it in time.
I think everyone should stop whining about how broken it is (or isn't) until we can see the official English version of the card so we know for a fact what it can and cannot do.
I just hope that thing of a Pokémon TCG card doesn't see the light of day in the English TCG or I'll RKO it with a counter deck till I get tired of it.
You all have to remember that if there isn't a threat on the bench, you can still use Hyper Claws which does a lot of damage. Thunderquake is more of a clean up attack.
i've think of a combo with t tar ex δ but have not been put to test yet.
here it is:

have 2 t tar δ / 3-4 t tar ex δ - 3 - 4

also have flygon δ , maybe 2-1-2

finally the new searcher magcargo DX

muz put space center as tropius δ will destroy ur plan

so the strategy:

keep atk Ele mark on ur opponent's pkm
then 1 t tar ex should be dead, so have 1 more t tar ex δ in bench and come out
go on with my 3 enrgy attchment theory
' flygon attch 1,
ty tar δ + cargo = 1 more,
the each turn energy attchment + 1 more

^ the above gives u 3 energy on the new t tar ex δ and start KO ing everything!

even if they kill the second t tar ex δ , u will still have another t tar ex δ ready
Does it place down the thunderquake thing via a pokepower/body? If so, there's gonna be loads of counters. Its still a beefy card though.
bacon-boy said:
Does it place down the thunderquake thing via a pokepower/body? If so, there's gonna be loads of counters. Its still a beefy card though.

nah, its his first atk.
anyway 1st t tar's job is to "ele mark" all of ur opponent's pkm

then the 2nd or 3rd t tar ex clean the table!
lol dont u get it? U only get thunderquake counter when tyranitar ex δ uses elemark, thunderquake counter only comes to effect when tyranitar ex δ uses its thunderquake attack. If not, that counter remains useless.
Tyranitar ex d - Lightning - HP150
Stage 2 - Evolves from Pupitar

[L][C] Ele Mark: Place 1 Thunderquake Marker on 1 of your opponent's Pokemon.
[L][C][C] Hyper Claws: 70 damage. If the Defending Pokemon is a Stage 2 Evolved
Pokemon, this attack does an additional 20 damage.
[L][L][C] Thunderquake: Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokemon with a Thunderquake
Marker on it. That Pokemon is Knocked Out.

Weakness - Grass
Resistance - none
Retreat: 3
a Sudowoodo get to turns to kill a T-tar d Ex