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Aspiring Trainer
Experience: Novice (Or something similar)

  • 4 Deoxys EX
  • 2 Thundurus EX
  • 3 Kyurem
  • 1 Keldeo EX

  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 3 N
  • 2 Colress
  • 2 Shauna
  • 3 Skyla
  • 2 Virbank City Gym
  • 2 Ultra Ball
  • 2 Team Plasma Ball
  • 4 Hypnotoxic Laser
  • 3 Colress Machine
  • 3 Switch
  • 2 Float Stone
  • 3 Muscle Band
  • 2 Tool Scrapper
  • 1 Computer Search

  • 4 Plasma
  • 4 Prism
  • 2 Rainbow
  • 2 Lightning

Since I read comments, I wanna let you know that I use Kyurem as a situational on this Deck because it main attacker is Thundurus EX, I barely use Kyurem. I try to make Thundurus hit 70+ on first turn (with muscle band) and recover energies for Deoxys.
This Deck got no issues against Silver Mirror or any anti-meta. Tool Scrapper always been there by it own or by Skyla.

I won against:
  • Blastoise/Keldeo/Black Kyurem
  • Yveltal/Darkrai/Gardobor
  • Zebstrika/Gardobor Lock
  • Virizion / Genesect
  • Emboar / Rayquaza
  • Deoxys/Thundurus/Lugia
  • Flareon (I didn't know that Deck but I played against one)
    And some others I don't really remember right now.

Edited: Changed 2 Pokemon Catchers for 2 Kyurems.
What tournament have you won? Regardless of the comment at the bottom, You need more Kyurems and 1 more Keldeo EX honestly. Because once they knock out your Kyurem, you are up S#!T creek

My suggestion is drop both pokemon catchers for 1 more kyurem and 1 more keldeo
I think 1 Keldeo is good and you should add 2 Kyurem personally, considering he's gonna be swinging hardest.
I run a very similar list to this as this deck is crazily underrated right now for some reason but that is besides the point...

my question is how in the heck do you only run one kyurem? what if its prized? what if it gets sniped before it can even attack once? with no recovery cards in the deck I have no idea how that could work... and with out kyurem this deck lacks any type of ohko ability...

my only suggestion is find room for 2 more kyurems...

catcher would be a easy 2 for 2 replacement however I understand it can be vital to the deck depending on play style

other options could be taking out one float stone and one scrapper or a laser or you could even get away with dropping one of the "balls"

I could also offer some insight on the tss line if you would like
I run one Kyurem because basically I don't really need them, I know almost the whole point of this deck was Kyurem, but IF you use Thundurus EX you can deal way more damage. Example: my 1st game was against Darkrai/Yveltal/Gardobor, he started first with a Sableye, obviously, in my first turn I've got Thundurus with 2 Deoxys on bench and 1 Muscle Band (70 damage enough to 1 hit it). I don't see Kyurem as a great one since Muscle Band released. I got the chance of use one of them against a Rogue deck with a kind of Zebstrika/Gardobor lock, but I took it as a situational. That's why I don't use that much Kyurems. But anyway I will try 2 more.
With the kyurems: If you don't have more, you have 1 attacker in this deck. 1. ONE. And its not even EX. You need more if you want a chance in competitive play. Btw thunderus is not an attacker. Please dont say you thunderus noised.
zavtac said:
With the kyurems: If you don't have more, you have 1 attacker in this deck. 1. ONE. And its not even EX. You need more if you want a chance in competitive play. Btw thunderus is not an attacker. Please dont say you thunderus noised.

Then how I won? I've got no reasons to lie. I didn't even use last attack. Thundurus can hit for 90 with 1 single energy and recover one.
Actually yes there is (lucksack). Whatever, go ahead don't take 5 peoples advice for putting in another kyurem or 2. At least add in a lugia as another attacker.
zavtac said:
Actually yes there is (lucksack). Whatever, go ahead don't take 5 peoples advice for putting in another kyurem or 2. At least add in a lugia as another attacker.

This is true. If they knock out your kyurem and play a safeguard pokemon, you are gonna have troubles
I'm thinking you want at least one basic water energy in there, if not two. I would drop the two Shauna and add 2 Basic water in there, but you could probably just drop one for one in this case. Another idea for you is Lugia EX. He is pretty good in plasma, but it's just something you'll have yo play around with and see if you like him or not.
What is your strategy in using the deck? For example, do you hope to "continually" attack with Kyurem's Blizzard Burn (since you have Keldeo EX and Float Stones)? Knowing your strategy would help readers provide some targeted feedback for suggested deck improvements.