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Aspiring Trainer
Greetings. I had a deck idea today which is working great, but I have the feel it can be improved.

Pokemon: 17
4 Thundurus
4-3 Eelektrik
2 Cleffa
2-2 Zoroark BW

Trainer: 25
3 Engineer's Adjustments
2 Collector
2 Communication
4 Pluspower
4 Eviolite
4 Junk Arm
2 Defender

Energy: 18
14 Lightning
4 Rescue

Strategy: Eelektrik use the energy discarded by Thundurus when it attacks to load a second Thundurus at the bench. Zoroark is a tech to deal with things like Reshiram and Zekrom. It's a fast strategy that can deal 80 damage by the second turn.

Problem: It's not dealing enough damage and Thundurus is quite frail (110 is not enough when dealing with things like Ursaring). It loses momentum when the game gets longer.

Any suggestions are welcome!
What about a couple of Zekrom? 120/130/140 damages (w/ PlusPower) together with Zoroark may knock out a lot of dragons.
Here's some changes I would suggest. I will start of by telling you what I think should be taken out.


-1 Cleffa: Normally 1 Cleffa is enough to get you through a game so taking one out shouldn't really hurt. You also don't really want to use Eeeeeek at the begging of a game because your first priority should be using Thundurous's Charge attack turn 1.

-1 PlusPower: These can be very useful I must admit but I think 4 is a little over the top. You already have Junk Arm to reuse some if needed and for really bulky Pokemon that Thundurous can't KO without multiple PlusPowers you should just use Zekrom instead.

-1 Eviolite: Another very helpful card that you play but again I think you're just playing 1 too many. When you get them they are almost always useful but you shouldn't really need more than 3 and if you are ever in the situation where you really need another one you can probably just use Junk Arm to grab it.

-2 Defender: I don't think these are necessary unless you play Zekrom but even then I think Eviolite does a good enough job shielding Zekrom as well as all of your other basics.

-4 Lightning Energy: I think that 10 Lightning Energy is plenty and 18 total Energy is just too much so taking out a few should help.

-4 Rescue Energy: Again, I think you're playing a few too many Energies and I don't think Rescue Energy is all that useful when you're primarily attacking with basics.

Those are all of the cards that I think you should consider taking out . Now on to the cards that should be added to replace them!


+2 Zekrom BW: This guy is for when Thundurous just isn't enough. Being able to hit for 120 or more, with PlusPowers, can insure you those KOs on bulkier Pokemon that you can't normally KO.

+2 Tornadus EP: This guy is in case you don't want to accept a near auto-loss to Donphan. Donphan steamrolls a deck like this if you allow it to get even a little setup but with Tornadus it allows you to put up a nice fight. I know Donphan Prime isn't super popular right now but I do still seem them from time to time.

+2 Pokemon Collector: 4 Pokemon Collector is a staple in pretty much every deck in our current format. It helps you get setup faster if you have it turn 1 to let you search out things like Thundurous and Tynamos so you can hopefully get a turn 2 attack as well as an Eelektrik to help with the energy recovery.

+3 Pokemon Catcher: Just like Pokemon Collector this card is a staple in almost every deck, with the exception of trainer lock variants. Pokemon Catcher will allow you to stay ahead of the prize exchange as well as disrupt your opponents setup sometimes.

+4 Double Colorless Energy: Since you are playing Zoroark I thought this would be a nice addition to the deck to get your Zoroarks ready to attack even faster. And since Tornadus uses 3 Colorless Energy to attack this will make it easier for you to attack with it as well.

~Other ideas~

So looking at your list I saw many changes that could be helpful, some big and some small, but in the end you have the last say on what gets changed so I didn't want to make a super long list of changes. The changes I did make were the ones I thought were most important for your deck. However, I thought I would give you a shorter list of things that might also help but aren't as necessary as the other changes.

+2 Professor Juniper/ +1 Engineer's Adjustments: I saw that your list seemed to lack just a bit of draw support so adding 1 or 2 more draw supporters may help. I would say 2 Professor Juniper is more solid but if you don't have enough room just 1 Engineer's Adjustments will probably do just fine.

+1 Super Rod: In case you want a little bit of Pokemon recovery in your deck. Although it's not needed I'm sure it can help you in some situations.

+1-2 Switch: These are primarily to help you when your opponent drags up one of your Eelektriks and attempts to stall or attack around it. They can also just help with bad starts in general or when you're having trouble getting something like Zekrom out of the active.

If any of those additions interest you there wasn't much I saw that you might be able to take out except for possibly the Zoroark line. I'm just not sure how much Zoroark helps with this deck but I didn't really want to take it out either because you probably know more about how it works so you'd be the better judge on whether to remove it from your list or not.


I seriously think your deck can be very solid with some changes. I played a similar deck at Cities last weekend and although I didn't make top cut, I do think I came pretty close and I still had a lot of fun with the deck. If you have any questions about the changes I suggested or just about the deck in general feel free to ask or just share your thoughts. I hope that by posting this that I've helped you or at least gave you some ideas with your deck. :]

/me drops dead from typing up his exhausting post...

*Celebi drops dead from reading this this exhausting and long post and then contributes it to Afro-G's Grains of Sand.
when zekrom ex comes into the format take out thundurus

what you could do for right now is to take out defender for sages and agree with Afro-G
A couple of things before replying to the ideas.

One thing that caught our attention when building this deck was Audino (EP #83), thanks to its first attack. It's pretty much a secondary attacker that gets loaded with several energies before using all of them to flip several coins to attack.

-2-2 Zoroark
+4 Audino

It's working better (I'm starting to see no use to Zoroark, honestly), but it still needs more improvements. We're also considering removing Audino and adding Raichu Prime, because of the logical synergy between it and Eelektrik. I can deal a lot of damage this way, but it's too flippy.

Now for my doubts.

Zekrom - I see why you're suggesting Zekrom, I'll consider adding a couple of them, but, do I just play Zekrom for the damage output, or should I consider Raichu Prime instead?

Tornadus - I didn't consider that!! But it's a tech, do I really need 2 of them?

I'll try what you're suggesting. I'll double check the list and see what I can take out (yes, I'll take out a Cleffa and Zoroark), but I agree on everything regarding the trainers, I'm playing a little bit overkill.

Afro-G, that's a solid post. Thank you! I just want to know if I really need 2 Tornadus instead of just 1, and if I should consider Raichu Prime over Zekrom (this way I avoid the self-damage and deal 120 every turn).

masqueraingoddess, indeed, whenever Zekrom-EX gets released it'll see an spot on my deck. It should work wonderfully great here.
This deck seems low on attackers, as everyone is saying a few zekroms would be a good idea, raichu prime also works because of his poke power.
I have been double checking the deck. I got myself a Virizion and stocked up on Eelektriks. I have enough Eviolites too, and some few N's.

I asked my friends and they said Raichu Prime is way better than Zekrom, because I don't have to deal with the recoil damage, and it combines pretty well with Eelektrik. Also, Stunfisk (F) might come in handy as a tech.

I'm confused though. I made a new list, where should I post it? In my OP?
SoujiroElric said:
Afro-G, that's a solid post. Thank you! I just want to know if I really need 2 Tornadus instead of just 1, and if I should consider Raichu Prime over Zekrom (this way I avoid the self-damage and deal 120 every turn).
Well for Tornadus I think 2 is nice because if 1 gets prized hopefully you're safe, with 2 you should be able to compete with Donphan as opposed to with 1 if they were to KO it which wouldn't be too hard you would probably lose because they can just steamroll the rest of the deck. So yeah, I think with 2 you have more of a fighting chance against Donphan and Tornadus is just an all-around solid attacker so you may see yourself using it in other matchups as well.

And for your question about Raichu. The thing about Raichu is that it's a stage 1 so it takes up more room in your deck that you could be using for other things. Raichu also has less HP than Zekrom and has to discard it's Energy after an attack. The only downside I can see that Zekrom has compared to Raichu is the recoil damage from Bolt Strike but that's really not that bad especially if you have an Eviolite attached to it.

Oh and if you want to post an updated list you need to edit your first post rather than make a new post on this thread.
SoujiroElric said:
I have been double checking the deck. I got myself a Virizion and stocked up on Eelektriks. I have enough Eviolites too, and some few N's.

I asked my friends and they said Raichu Prime is way better than Zekrom, because I don't have to deal with the recoil damage, and it combines pretty well with Eelektrik. Also, Stunfisk (F) might come in handy as a tech.

I'm confused though. I made a new list, where should I post it? In my OP?

I own a raichu deck and elektrik/raichu goes beautifully with elektrik. If you start off with thundurus to it is even better :D