Thursday, 10/11, Gardevoir ex d, Vote for Bidoof, Free Wii Remote Jackets

Not a bad review at all... I didn't see a list... but still, not a bad review.

I'm a little confused on the "Vote for Bidoof!" Tibit... We'll have to wait to find out more?
BIDOOF!!! is losing, big time, it's so unfair they put it up against LINK, the main character of all the Zelda games...
I really don't get it, the only Pokémon in the contest were Pikachu and Bidoof, it's like they want us to lose...
yes my 4th fav pokemon is going to be voted on! I need to make signs:D
Nice review, but I thought that was both harsh and generous on Gardevoir ex, with the match-ups seeming most to be in favour of Gardevoir Ex, but then given such low ratings. There was one thing the team did over look. In the weakness section, it mentions about Dusknoir gaining popularity and being able to put the hurt on Gardevoir Ex, but it's attack won't be effected by Weakness anyway, so it doesn't matter that much. Unless Gardy faces Dusclops instead...
I think you could've made a list. I have seen and heard of lists based on the card rath than it being a tech. Altaria Ex(DF), Fearow (CG), Xatu (DF) are cards that could be used with Gardy Ex in a deck based around it. Then there are the techs that could go into the deck...
Anyway, I will vote Bidoof at some point! Why is Bidoof in the contest in the first place though?
man i love bidoof, zelda, and link! i voted bidoof b/c i'm a pokemon supporter 100% but these's no way bidoof will stand up to link...
Decent review on Gardy d. Another delta pokemon that I absolutely love and use it as a tech in my dead Mercury deck...that's pretty sad...Very low ratings indeed and would've liked a decklist...I voted for Bidoof but then I voted for Link as well, Link PWNS IMO. I got my Wii Remote Jacket order in; can't wait to play with them..:D:)
Bidoof is currently getting his butt whooped by link, the least they could've done was put link up against a "cool" pokemon...
Aqua Smeargle said:
Bidoof is currently getting his butt whooped by link, the least they could've done was put link up against a "cool" pokemon...

Let me defend the review a little.

I made sure Dusknoir was mentioned not because of its attack, but because it has a Poké-Power that can be shut off. I guess I should have explicitly noted to only watch out for Weakness from Nidoqueen. Next time.

We can't possibly catch every matchup. Blissey simply wasn't on our radar at the time. As of now, its definitely a deck of interest to at least me, so if I look into it and get a good enough feel for it, I might include it next time. We just try to include the MOST popular decks.

As far as the deck list, we didn't feel we could do it justice. I don't think there is a deck that it fits into perfectly at the moment. For a while, we were toying with posting a Gardevoir PK/Gardevoir ex d deck, but ultimately didn't because it might mislead some into thinking it was a Tier 1 or even Teir 2 deck, which it isn't (and won't be). Next time, I'll definitely make sure to include a deck list, since it seems to be pretty high on you guys' list of demands, just don't murder an OK list for a mediocre Pokémon.

And as far as the ratings/matchups, yes, we did have favorable matchups on most of the decks, but as stated, this is based simply on how well a Gardevoir ex d line could do against the deck. Gardevoir has an advantage over many Pokémon with both Imprison and Flame Ball. But like we wrote, but with only 1 or 2 teched in the average deck, they won't be able to defeat the entire deck. They will go down and give your opponent 4 prizes, this is why we gave it a low rating (although we all saw it differently). Yes, it might put on the hurt for a few turns, but is it ultimately a card you'd want to put into your deck? I think a 7 is fair in answer to that question. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Cessation Crystal is clearly simpler to play.

Anway, thanks for all the comments, guys. I really do appreciate them. There is always room for improvement, and criticism can only make us (and future reviews) better. Keep it coming!
riskbreakers said:
Bad news guys!! Bidoof lost.. Guess only Pika is left for Pokemon

Really? That's a shame. Those Wii Remote Jackets look cool, but once again only North America get it.
