Thursday, 2/28, Majestic Dawn Set Logo, SSBB at Sears Early, Pokemon and PokeBeach

Dang, Sears has SSBB already!? Oh well. I've gotten the next best thing: I've preordered SSBB at GameStop, which will do a nationwide (time-zone-wide, actually) midnight release on March 9th and have a tournament on the Saturday night of March 8th leading immediately up to it.

I've always been completely puzzled by dark energy...though it seems that it's me and every astrophysicist on the face of this planet. The fact that dark energy takes up 70% of all the mattergy in this universe is astounding, and we dont even know what dark matter is made of. That there's such an overwhelmingly huge amount of stuff completely undetectable to us except through their gravitational pull means we're in need of a substantial rethinking of how the universe works.

Do you know how the rest of the audience responded to the Darkness Energy? (I take it that more people responded to you than to the scan.) I don't think I've ever had Pokémon come up in any lecture I've ever had except where I made the connection.
Yeah, he mentioned that whole 70% thing. He did say what dark energy was made of though... or it might have been dark matter... not sure. I still get them confused. He said something about neu.....s. I don't know. :p He did say neutrinos were part of one of them, though!

The old people didn't know what the Pokemon card was, but the students I was sitting near did. They just laughed under their breath. It was dark and I was sitting in the front all the way to the left, so no one really saw me jump - if they did, I didn't hear any reactions. :D
Have people managed to figure out what dark matter is made of? One thing confirmed about dark matter is that it sits on the edges and around galaxies, whereas dark energy simply...exists. Some people say it comes from other universes, but then we're getting into string theory, which I've never been able to understand. One thing's for sure: Gravity is the least understood of the four major forces. That there are massive unknown sources of gravity may have something to do with how it's substantially weaker than the other three and is the only one to not have a negative counterpart.
Majestic Dawn's logo actually looks like a majestic dawn. what a coincidence! Actually, I have to say, I like it.
But wow on the dark energy thing. That's just great. PokéBeach is getting some (rather odd, admittitly) advertisement. That's just such a strange place to find it, during a lecture. At least it was about Dark Energy though. But still, that's really quite cool.
The Majestic Dawn logo looks bold and gold per its name. The set will also bear gold in card form. :)
Interesting story, WPM, that's quite funny! ^ ^

Anyway, about the whole SSBB Sears thing. Well, I stopped by my local Sears yesterday after hearing the news over on Brawl Central and Smash Boards. But as far as I could tell, no dice. I'm going to try again today though, and possibly contact the Sears up north as well.

Majestic Dawn logo is quite nice. Can't wait for this set and it's pre-releases!
That must have been really cool.Your listening to a lecture, and the guy shows a scan of a darkness energy card from YOUR WEBSITE !! lol..
Considering the wait on the phone, I can confirm it was most likely a hoax or California really likes to release their games early.

No dice from Ohio.

Enjoy Sears while you can, guys, because Nintendo's gonna be PISSED about this. And when you piss off Nintendo, you piss off Reggie. And when you piss off Reggie... well, I'm sure a few of you heard the horror stories.

i dont think majestic dawn will be as good as sw or GE but it will be very close.
my friend has ssbb he says he got at sears (i dont really know if he got it from sears, but he got it somewhere ;))
The sears thing is over....I just called the store myself and the guy said they retracted them from all the stores and it was a big mistake.....I wish I was sooner :(

-Black Rayquaza
wow the fact that he used a pokemon card is amazing. what's even more amazing is that he used a scan from your website. but this is the best place to get pokemon card scans :D
My Sears (In VA) says they got them today, and will be on shelves over the weakend. I'll probably campout on the sidewalk friday night.
you live in VA too? i don't know about the sears here in my town. i can check though (although there is no point considering i don't have a wii...)