Thursday, 9/27, Pokemon Trainer's Final Smash, First Strategist Article Tonight

120 bucks for a notebook? Are you sure it is not a textbook? :O

Looking forward to how the articles are going to look...:p
Can't wait to see the first strategist article.
$120 for an excersise book? I cannot believe any where in the world would charge that.
The final smash attack looks really cool.
Home Run Bat does murder when it is timed correctly. An attack stonger though. I am doomed.
Guys he is from California and everything is very expensive including the bills but not as bad as New York though. Anyway the final smash is from the show where they combine the attacks to use on Team Rocket but it is not the same Pokemon. That is where they got their ideas from. WPM. I hope you got my PM I sent you early this morning. Thanks for posting the final smash in the news update.:)
All I will say is.. /cough, welcome to UCI. When I went to buy my paperback chem book, it cost about 180 (yikes!), and come to find that that same book in HARDCOVER was available NEW for 120 on amazon. sigh. Go figure.
xxashxx said:
Guys he is from California and everything is very expensive including the bills but not as bad as New York though.

LMAO! Books for college are expensive everywhere. How about $150 for a book that is about Microsoft Word! Mind you I'm from a generation that grew up on the computer.
I think the FS looks awesome and lol when it says, "It's super effective!". Can't wait for the Strategist article. I used to love the two/three when you did a while back on Sally d and T-tar ex d.

dmaster out.
Lol, I feel your pain, WPM. I had to spend around that for my school-program (I'm home-schooled, mind you :p)

It'll be interesting to see the new articles, but no one can replace AEX or A74... THEY were the best ;P... but, it shall be interesting to see what the "Dawn of a new age" of stratagists can bring to this discussion.

I'm kind of baffled about the new final smash. I mean, yes, we all knew it was going to be similiar to this, but, I expected something like, Pokeballs attacking the opponent :D.
The final smash for Pokemon Trainer is awesome and it will fit in perfectly for the Pokemon Stadium stage but I hope they bring back the original Pokemon level from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 64.:)