Writing Tied In


"That is not dead which can eternal lie
And with strange aeons even death may die."

Brief History of the Core
Millions upon millions of years ago, when the universe was young and relatively small, there was one and only one planet capable of sustaining life. Only one planet at just the right distance, made of just the right elements, with just the right size and just the right kind of star to revolve around. On this planet, the very first living being evolved. They were little and they were simple, although it still took thousands of years for them to develop in the hot and violent waters of the ancient world. Overtime, the planet began to be overrun with organic beings, but for the most part they evolved into plants before the more complicated animals. It was only a few hundred years before animals crawled out of the waters and onto the planet's land that it was created.
It wasn't like any other plant or early animal one would be able to find on this planet, it was different. It was a fungi, it was a parasitic plant-animal hybrid, it was a warped, sickly, messy thing. But it was smart. It had a far more developed mind than any of the other few animals of that time, assumed to have become that way through biological, accidental mutations. It was so, SO incredibly intelligent. No being, no collective culture was as smart as it was or knew as much as it did only a few years after its birth. It was a true miracle it existed in such manner, in fact, it was a miracle its mutations allowed it to exist at all.
On the first day it was conscience, and forever after, it was doing two things: growing and learning. It constantly grew, from the size of a human palm to, after a few years, the size of a large house. It consumed everything it lived upon, anything living and eventually, even non-living things. This ability was something it eventually discovered through its amazing intellect: It learned about anything and everything around it, it asked itself questions and developed answers. It's metal capacities and ability to link even abstract areas of though were insanely powerful and complicated, and it loved to do so. After the first few weeks of it's existence, it had discovered scientific knowledge that took hundreds of years for even the smartest of the other intelligent species to discover.
After the first two years, the creature had developed a method of essential telekinesis, a way of mentally bending space and time. It used this ability to re-construct itself on the cellular and even molecular level, and, by doing so, it began to bud. Not budding to reproduce, but to bud of creatures completely different from itself biologically, creatures that it shared a conscience with. These creatures ranged in shape and size. Some were as large as a car and covered in sharp, razor like appendages. These were warriors, meant for self defense. Some were smaller, smarter, and had appendages that allowed it to preform obscure tasks and handle delicate things with gentleness. These were the scientists, which allowed the creature to expand upon its quickly growing knowledge of the universe. Some were small and stealthy, winged and fast. These were the scouts, meant to acquire basic knowledge from far off.
These budded creatures weren't simply hoped to do whatever the fungi creature desired, no, these creatures shared the fungi's conscience. All of them knew what the others knew, all of them saw what the others saw, and if one died it made no differences because no conscience was lost and the creature could simply be budded again. These tool-like beings were, at first, relatively simple. Relative to what they later began to become, that is, extremely complicated and powerful, every one of them. They weren't all fighters, but each one was capable almost anything.
After millions of years, it was still alive. It had reconstructed itself in such a way that it didn't die of age, only kept growing. The other creatures on its planet grew to fear its warriors, scientists, scouts, and other biological horrors. These were all called, by the later intelligent species that were native to other planets as, translated into English of course, "Corvians" and the creature itself "The Core". The Core over took the entire planet with Corvians soon after granting them ability to reproduce from spores, which everyone of them could spill in massive amounts at any desired time.
The Core understood very early on in its life that a mass of scientific knowledge wasn't going to be found on its own planet, but out in space. This brought it to construct a very special type of wings for its Corvian spawn, wings that could bend time and space, and soon the Corvians could soar among the stars. It was in doing this that, millions of years after its birth, the Core discovered that its sun would soon die. The brought upon the Core its first real mortal threat: The very near expansion of the sun, which would consume his planet. And that's when the Core created a systematic way for itself to move through space. After scouting out a planet capable of hosting a body like its own, it would create a seed containing all of its amazing genetic material which would be transferred to that planet by special Corvians created for that task.Their it would be born again, and its conscience psionically transferred. While it would grow to its old size capable of budding, the Corvians would defend it and would reproduce by themselves through spores.
The method worked. The Core successfully transferred itself to a new planet where it could continue its life peacefully.
This process was continued for thousands of millenia, as the universe grew older and the Core grew wiser. Civilizations began to form amongst the countless planets of the universe, not escaping the eyes of Corvians and ultimately the Core, which allowed them to grow for its own amusement. However, the Core soon realized the thought process of these creatures may be able to be useful for scientific purposes. Maybe they could be useful. Maybe they could be... Guinea pigs.