Time and Space the Final Fronteir

Ka$h Money

Aspiring Trainer
Lets all discuss time and see different points of view.

Firstly I want purely scientific theories/questions and so on.

No religion is needed for this!
RE: Time

Umm... how would religion come into play when discussing time? Are you talking about the origins? Time travel? I don't think time travel is possible, if that's what you're asking.
RE: Time

Time is running out. Time Travel is confusing. The time on my watch is broken. What else is there to discuss? _-_

dmaster out.
RE: Time

We have time figured out.
Nothing is left to be discovered about it.
HOWEVER; I have a theory on time travel. BRB to type it up. stay tuned.
RE: Time

Yes there are theories of time travel, i think it's possible too. And if not we've wormholes, if you go through them you can travel to the past or to the future, problem is; a wormhole opens closes within a few mili-seconds, there's a theory of using anti-matter to keep in open.

Time is such an big subject, well i've made a bit my own theory, here it is: We are now moving at very high speeds (cuz the Earth rotates the Sun, our Solarsystem rotates in the Milky Way etc) and we are moving due gravity. If you travel faster than the speed of light you should be able to travel back in time. So if your on a place with no gravity, no movement (somewhere in the big gaps of space between super clusters) the time doesn't flow there, or does it? (or at least very slowly) so it almost looks like time is stopped, sounds awesome, doesn't it?
RE: Time

In my opinion, time is only as we see it, People created Time, as before people, things happened but they had no measurement, us as humans need familiarity, and a 12 digit clock grants that, 'else we'd all be crazily lost.
It's an idea, that in reality, is real, but isn't time is but isn't what we think, we think it refers to what
governs space, and what governs reality but in reality, time is only an object. Time is not physically impacting anything, wear,
degradation, and the likes are.
It is not time that makes food spoil, it is the ingredients slowly breaking down due to not being preserved for the future, not future as in time, but future as in eating.

On the other hand, time is real and it is the reason we have day time and night time. It is our source of comfort, and thus, it is essential we have something that we made.
It is one item we need. Time, Oxygen, Water, Food, are all elements of this greater process.
Everything degrades, but at the same "time," everything prospers.

Everything blooms. :D

I hope I offered you all enough insight.
RE: Time

Pokequaza said:
Yes there are theories of time travel, I think it's possible too. And if not we've wormholes, if you go through them you can travel to the past or to the future, problem is; a wormhole opens closes within a few mili-seconds, there's a theory of using anti-matter to keep in open.

Time is such an big subject, well I've made a bit my own theory, here it is: We are now moving at very high speeds (cuz the Earth rotates the Sun, our Solarsystem rotates in the Milky Way etc) and we are moving due gravity. If you travel faster than the speed of light you should be able to travel back in time. So if your on a place with no gravity, no movement (somewhere in the big gaps of space between super clusters) the time doesn't flow there, or does it? (or at least very slowly) so it almost looks like time is stopped, sounds awesome, doesn't it?
Yeah, but it's confusing...{P}
RE: Time

The present doesn't really exist and it is impossible for the human mind to comprehend the present as it happens.
RE: Time

Pokequaza said:
Yes there are theories of time travel, I think it's possible too. And if not we've wormholes, if you go through them you can travel to the past or to the future, problem is; a wormhole opens closes within a few mili-seconds, there's a theory of using anti-matter to keep in open.

Time is such an big subject, well I've made a bit my own theory, here it is: We are now moving at very high speeds (cuz the Earth rotates the Sun, our Solarsystem rotates in the Milky Way etc) and we are moving due gravity. If you travel faster than the speed of light you should be able to travel back in time. So if your on a place with no gravity, no movement (somewhere in the big gaps of space between super clusters) the time doesn't flow there, or does it? (or at least very slowly) so it almost looks like time is stopped, sounds awesome, doesn't it?

All I know is that the escape velocity of a blackhole is faster than the speed of light so that means that time wouldn't slow down but go backwards ( or forwards) if you were to be sucked in to a blackhole you would see time go backwards but the thing is that it will sucks in so fast we would stretch to extreme lengths and our internals would rip.

Also do you think that a blackhole can suck in something that has a high amount of degenerate matter?
RE: Time

You know I think almost everyone hear has been in a time machine before. When your in a moving car if you look out the front you see the future, look out the side you see the present and look out the back you see the past. XD

Although as for actual time travel I'm not sure about this yet. I was actually sad enough to search wikipedia for cases of time travel and I only found one alleged case of people time traveling against their will, anyone know any other good cases of time travel?
RE: Time

Medaforcer said:
The present doesn't really exist and it is impossible for the human mind to comprehend the present as it happens.

Most people say we live in the ''present'', but if we would time wouldn't flow, then we live in the past, time flows and despite you ''see'' the past (see my quote to Gamefreak734) we live in the future, at least i thought, i had an idea about it, but i forgot it, i'll post it later when i remember exactly how it was...

kashmaster said:
All I know is that the escape velocity of a blackhole is faster than the speed of light so that means that time wouldn't slow down but go backwards ( or forwards) if you were to be sucked in to a blackhole you would see time go backwards but the thing is that it will sucks in so fast we would stretch to extreme lengths and our internals would rip.

Also do you think that a blackhole can suck in something that has a high amount of degenerate matter?

Yup, you would see the past as long as you don't be ripped into small pieces :p

And yes i think it's possible that a blackhole can suck up a lot of degenerate matter, it's like an infinite gravity and an infinite mass into a certain amount of space...

Gamefreak734 said:
You know I think almost everyone hear has been in a time machine before. When your in a moving car if you look out the front you see the future, look out the side you see the present and look out the back you see the past. XD

Although as for actual time travel I'm not sure about this yet. I was actually sad enough to search wikipedia for cases of time travel and I only found one alleged case of people time traveling against their will, anyone know any other good cases of time travel?

No, you can't see the 'future', but you always see the past, light does take some time to travel from the object that reflects it to your eye (shorter than 1/100000 of a millisecond) so you can't see the future even if you're in a car xD
RE: Time

The "science" in this thread is actually painful...

*sigh* I guess that's what I get from looking at a thread on time by a bunch of 12yr olds. :/
RE: Time

Then why don't you give your view? Do you have one and a couple of people know what they are on about
RE: Time

I'll get around to one eventually, though its probably not worth arguing with 12yr olds. :p Trust me, I have brothers, I would know. ;)

One little thing I must ask. Would people PLEASE stop saying stuff such as "I have a theory" or "here's my theory" etc. This is WRONG. You have an idea, not a theory. Sorry for the short rant, I just had to point it out. A little bit of me dies each time I see someone say how "I have a theory on X subject". -.-

Also, why not talk about more interesting and fun things such as what could possibly happen if time travel is possible instead of thinking up these silly ideas of how its possible? :p
RE: Time

If we talked about the possibilities of what we could do, there would be a never ending list of peoples personal desires.

Secondly stop refering to everyone as 12 year old's, you are trying to belittle our intelligience for no logical reason.

Last stop spamming and lets hear some ideas from you or something that is time related
RE: Time

DarthPika said:
I'll get around to one eventually, though its probably not worth arguing with 12yr olds. :p Trust me, I have brothers, I would know. ;)

One little thing I must ask. Would people PLEASE stop saying stuff such as "I have a theory" or "here's my theory" etc. This is WRONG. You have an idea, not a theory. Sorry for the short rant, I just had to point it out. A little bit of me dies each time I see someone say how "I have a theory on X subject". -.-

Also, why not talk about more interesting and fun things such as what could possibly happen if time travel is possible instead of thinking up these silly ideas of how its possible? :p

12 year olds? if you think were 12, why don't you post you own idea and tell us how it works...
RE: Time

He might think some of the people in this thread are twelve because of the spelling and grammar.
I.E. The Post Above Me. (Pokequaza)
It's okay though, I'm just nit picky.

Anyways, you can technically see into the future as outer lying Islands in Alaska can see the coast of Russia, which is in a different Time Zone, (the Next Day, usually.)
I forgot the specifics, but that pseudo-smart Sarah Palin wasn't completely wrong. Even though she was and is completely crazeh!
._. Y'know what, ignore this message. Sarah Palin is crazy. She's gone cuckoo for forum puffs.
RE: Time

Dezuray said:
He might think some of the people in this thread are twelve because of the spelling and grammar.
I.E. The Post Above Me. (Pokequaza)
It's okay though, I'm just nit picky.

Anyways, you can technically see into the future as outer lying Islands in Alaska can see the coast of Russia, which is in a different Time Zone, (the Next Day, usually.)
I forgot the specifics, but that pseudo-smart Sarah Palin wasn't completely wrong. Even though she was and is completely crazeh!
._. Y'know what, ignore this message. Sarah Palin is crazy. She's gone cuckoo for forum puffs.

Well sorry for him i don't have correct spelling and grammar, but i'm not from the US or UK, so my main language is not English, so yes it's hard to talk in a different language and not making grammar and spelling mistakes.