Times you defeated someone turn one

Before the rule change I was playing this girl at my league with my Shiftry ex deck. She starts with a Cyndaquil. I start with a Seedot. I go first Rare Candy to the Skill Hack Shiftry, attach an energy, use skill hack, she has a UF Typhlosion in her hand, I win. I did the same thing to my brother with a Machop/Plus Power to his lone Skitty.
I beated lots of people back then during the neo/gym/base set tourney's in one turn...

i think i did it 24 times...

Erika's jigglypuff, double colorless, and plus powers...

tyrogue w/ smashpunch hitting any pokemon w/ fighting weakness...

it kicked their butts if they only have 1 active...
I was fighting some hot shot girl
who go's to worlds every year
and she had a Chimchar out and had trapinch
she was beat the second turn with a side order of Pychic Pulse!
Dudeman1993 said:
Well, I lost at Nats in one turn.:( I had my Ralts as Active(only Pokemon) and my to-be Gardevoir ex d in my hand and my opponent rare candy'd her Seedot to Shiftry ex PK and Dirged me with Flame Ball.

it's skill hack
Konoha's_Hero said:
I was fighting some hot shot girl
who go's to worlds every year
and she had a Chimchar out and had trapinch
she was beat the second turn with a side order of Pychic Pulse!

Not really the first turn is it?