Tis the end of 2007...

How did you find 2007?

  • Brilliant!

    Votes: 8 34.8%
  • Okay

    Votes: 12 52.2%
  • Not so good

    Votes: 3 13.0%

  • Total voters
2007 was a wonderful year to me but there are pros & cons;
Finally finish High School
Got hooked on Pokemon
Great movies this year
Enjoyed to the max
Enjoyed my vacation
Got 3 booster box :D
Nice TV Dramas(Chinese) :D

Miss High School
Miss my school teachers
Miss the chatting time I had with my friends & teachers
Starting college soon :(
Had flu 1 week before my SPM
& many many more

I hope everybody will have a great year in 2008... :)
Having new friends.
Finished Elementary.
Watched some great movies.
Became fan of MCR.
New Pokémon sets.
Getting my Wii for Christmas in Januari!
Listened to great Music.
Didn't got sick

The song "Do you know" existed.
My Grandmother died.
Being stupid and doing the highest education you can do after Elementary, TTO+.
Didn't got sick when I wanted to.
Didn't see "Rush Hour 3" ='(.

This is just a draft
-Watched Lots and Lots of Bleach
-Got a 360
-Got an iPhone
-The Sox won it again, and I was very happy.
-The Pats went undefeated in the Regular Season, again I was very happy.
-Retained my status of binging on nothing but junk and yet being way too thin.
-My Grandma died :(
-Got THE most gangsta hat ever.
-Got even MORE obsessed with Chuck Norris.
-Started High School

All in all, a nice year.
This has been a a decent year for me

-Got an Xbox 360
-Went to Wisconsin

-I broke my arm
-Writer's strike: I NEED TV SHOWS!!
-Pats went undefeated (cheaters.....)
2007 was soooooo good for me... a little late though isnt this. I got an AIM and i came hea(forums) and all that... seventh grade is soooo kewl!
2007 was the year of upsets in sports. Applachian State, Boise State, Florida, Stanford, and others. Too bad nothing really exciting happened in anything but sports...

- Hit Puberty(I got a charming voice)
- Got a PS2
- My first pre-release.
- I got a offered to work with a bunch of scientist.
- Lost my appendix :F.. The pain, the excruciating pain.
- I got a hottie.
- I got a Flygon EX. (my first EX from booster)
- I beat FFX-2
- I got a flatscreen TV to play my ps2 on
- I was offered to a great schoool for 2008 (which currently I'm in now)
- I got a two-week holiday since the flash flood hit Kuantan
- I cracked my right arm on June
- I got the chance to throw Water Baloons to my teachers. :F
- I got alot of cool friends
- I almost got a PSP
- I almost got a DS
- I almost got a Wii
- I almost got a 360
- I also almost got a PS3
- UPSR over
- Passed with flying colours
- Got to watch Transformers
- Pokebeach rocked my life last year
- I won a bowling tournament
- I lost some of my bad luck
- Got a powerful memory (thanks to Harry Lorayne)
- Got my own room
- I can type alot more
- Monsoon Cup rocks
- Kimi for winning
- I got to be Head Prefect for a year
- Respect+
- I got a lot of $$$$
- I got a new phone
- I get to see my old gf
- I get to sleep over while playing Halo 3 for 3 days.
- Terrenganu gor raining to much. It's cold and wet.
- My grandpa (dad side) for letting me play in the rain. Monsoon rain.
- I didn't get fever for playing in rain.
- I get to see Fara Wahida (an artist)
- I get to expirience alot of great stuff
- I girl offered me a date


- I cracked my arm
- No Lv. X
- My bestest friend going to Bangladesh
- I got snacthed
- Didn't go Atria at all
- That's all

Forgot this stuff

Good things:
-Got a DS Lite
-Dallas finished 13-3, won NFC East
-Dallas got into the playoffs
-Got a job
-Going to pass all subjects in the 1st semsester in school

Bad Things:
-Dallas lost their last two games of the season
-Romo got hurt

2007, that's my good and bad things last year...
LadiesMan217 said:

- Hit Puberty(I got a charming voice)
- Got a PS2
- My first pre-release.
- I got a offered to work with a bunch of scientist.
- Lost my appendix :F.. The pain, the excruciating pain.
- I got a hottie.
- I got a Flygon EX. (my first EX from booster)
- I beat FFX-2
- I got a flatscreen TV to play my ps2 on
- I was offered to a great schoool for 2008 (which currently I'm in now)
- I got a two-week holiday since the flash flood hit Kuantan
- I cracked my right arm on June
- I got the chance to throw Water Baloons to my teachers. :F
- I got alot of cool friends
- I almost got a PSP
- I almost got a DS
- I almost got a Wii
- I almost got a 360
- I also almost got a PS3
- UPSR over
- Passed with flying colours
- Got to watch Transformers
- Pokebeach rocked my life last year
- I won a bowling tournament
- I lost some of my bad luck
- Got a powerful memory (thanks to Harry Lorayne)
- Got my own room
- I can type alot more
- Monsoon Cup rocks
- Kimi for winning
- I got to be Head Prefect for a year
- Respect+
- I got a lot of $$$$
- I got a new phone
- I get to see my old gf
- I get to sleep over while playing Halo 3 for 3 days.
- Terrenganu gor raining to much. It's cold and wet.
- My grandpa (dad side) for letting me play in the rain. Monsoon rain.
- I didn't get fever for playing in rain.
- I get to see Fara Wahida (an artist)
- I get to expirience alot of great stuff
- I girl offered me a date


- I cracked my arm
- No Lv. X
- My bestest friend going to Bangladesh
- I got snacthed
- Didn't go Atria at all
- That's all


Wow. You're like exactly like me. @.@ I lost my appendix an I almost got to be head prefect. I was secretary. What 'great' school are you in?

How coincidental, I, too, slept over at my friend's house to play Halo 3 before my 360 got fixed.

Oh, I can feel the pain of appendicitis too. I walked like an old man at the hospital, and no school for 2 whole weeks, then one week school, then holidays. Lololol.

And yeah, Kimi rocks!
well, it's 2008 now, but i guess i can still say.

enjoyed - 80.99%
hated - 20.01%

-got a new phone.
-got a wii.
-became yugioh 11 and under champion.
-made a great friend (Alec ashworth, also known as ashworth on forums)
-started secondary school.
-diamond and pearl came out.
-PBR came out =)

-got bullied =F
-said bye to all my friends on last day of primary school =(
-missed 2006 x]
@malik- Halo 3 is teh PWNZORZ.

I'm currently in SMK Seksyen 10. It's a great school what?

About the appendicts, I still have the scar.
LadiesMan217 said:
@malik- Halo 3 is teh PWNZORZ.

I'm currently in SMK Seksyen 10. It's a great school what?

About the appendicts, I still have the scar.

Yeap. I still have the scar. SMK Seksyen 10? Most people in my school could get to that school. I just got offered to SMK Aminuddin Baki, so I took it.

I finished Halo 3 in a day. Now trying to complete Legendary mode. Crapitshardcrap.