• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

tjtoot(new haves, new wants, new dotws, new format!)

RE: update! col! downgrading! Trading sealed Black/White tour Reshiram pin for Zekrom pin

expert belt lp and lxray gl
RE: update! col! downgrading! Trading sealed Black/White tour Reshiram pin for Zekrom pin

How many Croagunk POP9 do you want?
How about:
1x Stark Mountain
2x Energy Switch SF
1x Croagunk POP9

1x Luxray GL
2x Expert Belt (LP)

Let me know or counter offer. Did you find anything else on my list that you are interested in?
RE: update! col! downgrading! Trading sealed Black/White tour Reshiram pin for Zekrom pin

thats a deal pm me
RE: update! col! downgrading! Trading sealed Black/White tour Reshiram pin for Zekrom pin

tjtoot, you never sent me your address.. the trade was your azelf and rh metang for my miasma valley...
RE: update! col! downgrading! Trading sealed Black/White tour Reshiram pin for Zekrom pin

Did you get my PM?!
RE: update! col! downgrading! Trading sealed Black/White tour Reshiram pin for Zekrom pin

CML for Espeon Prime?
RE: update! col! downgrading! Trading sealed Black/White tour Reshiram pin for Zekrom pin

1x brongzong tm
3x legends box
1x reg holo arcanine hg

my espeon prime
RE: update! col! downgrading! Trading sealed Black/White tour Reshiram pin for Zekrom pin

hi there, i have 1 uxie lvx

so ur offer i uxie lv x for 2 gengar prime?wat is the throw in that u gonna give?

RE: update! col! downgrading! Trading sealed Black/White tour Reshiram pin for Zekrom pin

1 gengar prime for 1 uxie lvl x

throw in is your choice
RE: update! col! downgrading! Trading sealed Black/White tour Reshiram pin for Zekrom pin

Hi - I'd like to offer downgrades on your RH per your have/want.
YOUR (mint?)
RH rare candy
RH pont
3x rare candy
3x pont
RE: update! col! downgrading! Trading sealed Black/White tour Reshiram pin for Zekrom pin

do u have col shiny?


Please spell out words.

RE: update! col! downgrading! Trading sealed Black/White tour Reshiram pin for Zekrom pin

not for trade as i am collecting them
RE: tjtoots trade thread(w :leafeon lvl x)

"DOTW-my gengar prime, your leafeon lxl x and another prime or lvl x" -Tjtoot

About that... I could give you, Leafeon X + A X or a Prime.
RE: tjtoots trade thread(w :leafeon lvl x)

i have to seeifi win the leafeon x on ebay.only 12 hours left
RE: tjtoots trade thread(w :leafeon lvl x)

OK, if you don't win, tell me.
RE: tjtoots trade thread(w :leafeon lvl x)

would you domewpriem and your non mint leafeon lvl x for gengarprime?
RE: tjtoots trade thread(w :leafeon lvl x)

sorry just made a trade for it. its a better condition one