TLC = "The Learning Channel"? I don't think so.


I don't know how many times I have thought this but, TLC stands for "The Learning Channel". And it is hardly that. For quite a while now, TLC has only been showing things like, large families, cupcakes, cakes, clothes, and other random nonsense. Where is the learning in this? What I want to know, is your opinion on this.
This happens to every channel that fills a small niche. The phenomenon is known as Network Decay.

The exception is Turner Classic Movies, which exists solely to show Turner Classic Movies. Hence the name.
Seriously? The Learning Channel became pointless when they started showing , "I didnt know i was pregnant!"
i mean, how the hell do you not know your pregnant???!!! and what "information" are you getting out of that show?
*sigh* they should just rename it, The Pointless Channel.
How exactly is Cake Boss a learning experience.I mean what you sit there watching them make cakes and delivering them.There is always a cliche' in tv broadcasting networks.Just take cartoon network for example.They have reality shows.[/size]REALITY SHOWS!!!!!!
If you really want to learn things just go watch the History and Discovery Channels. Seriously Pawn Stars is amazing cause you learn stuff about the past, and those survival shows like Man vs. Wild helps you learn how to adapt to the wild in order to survive.
Card Slinger J said:
If you really want to learn things just go watch the History and Discovery Channels. Seriously Pawn Stars is amazing cause you learn stuff about the past, and those survival shows like Man vs. Wild helps you learn how to adapt to the wild in order to survive.

Got to love Pawn Stars.Pretty good show overall.
While TLC has strayed a lot from its name, I also think there is unnecessary criticism going on here...

Even from shows like Cake Boss, there's plenty to learn. Now it may not exactly be -relevant- information, but there's all kinds of things to soak up; such as professional baking methods and food information. (I didn't know you could make a hardening gelatin-like substance out of sugar.) Even totally non-related, trivial things can be learned, like city locations, transport methods, voice accents, etc.

I you're not learning anything at all, you're just trying not to.

but yeah I agree that TLC isn't really the learning channel anymore, but if you swear you're not learning anything, that just seems like hogwash
I'm not really sure relying on television to teach you much works. You can acquire little nuggets of information, certainly but that's about as far as it goes. It's really just a medium with which to soak up facts. Some channels are better at doing so than others. A personal favourite programme of mine for picking up such wonderous nuggets is QI, and as an added bonus it's hosted by Stephen Fry. The man is amazing. He should be prime minister.

It's about all people will tolerate from TV, though. It still has to hold some kind of entertainment value or people will switch or feel that they're being pushed into learning stuff. Let's face it, there are never going to be television shows dedicated to teaching correct grammar or anything that can actually be applied in every day life. Although I would happily embrace programmes about grammar and such - I suppose I can only dream, haha.

There's always the history channel <3

Oh and Ace Of Cakes is waaaaay better than Cake Boss [though they're not on the same network, are they?]
Ghostboy said:
Oh and Ace Of Cakes is waaaaay better than Cake Boss [though they're not on the same network, are they?]

Ace of Cakes is on the Food Network. Which I think is a much better TV Channel to watch if you want to learn about cakes and a variety of foods. Not Italian drama IMO. Actually The Sopranos is probably better for that as well. All the shows on The Learning Channel now doesn't have a purpose. Different shows might have years ago, but not anymore. It's a huge waste.

dmaster out.
dmaster said:
Ace of Cakes is on the Food Network. Which I think is a much better TV Channel to watch if you want to learn about cakes and a variety of foods. Not Italian drama IMO. Actually The Sopranos is probably better for that as well. All the shows on The Learning Channel now doesn't have a purpose. Different shows might have years ago, but not anymore. It's a huge waste.

dmaster out.
Amen to that. The channel has no purpose or theme now. Unless you are REALLY trying to learn from this, you won't learn anything worthwhile.
If television is your way of learning, you ought to reconsider.

Why complain about how uneducational the channel is when you can learn in other ways?
That's not the point Z. The point is that the shows that TLC shows are contradicting the name of the channel.
So? The Republic of China is not a republic. The majority of facts on the internet are false. Political campaigns and the media twist the truth.

A simple misnomer is insignificant.
The only shows they play now, are Overly large families, with underprivilaged children that provide for their parents who've never heard of BIRTH CONTROL.

Or Dwarves. What makes them so special? They're people too, it's not like they can't do things we can't, so why bother making a show about them? -.- LITTLE CHOCOLATIERS? Small People Big World? THE LITTLE COUPLE FOR GOD SAKES.

Or Pregnancies. If I was 16 and pregnant, I would get dis honed, not a TV show. Or seriously, how does a woman not know she's pregnant?


TLC and MTV are the scum of Networks.
I believe that Zenith put it best that The Learning Channel has (like pretty much everything else on television nowadays) succumb to Network Decay. I actually remember a time in which TLC had quality educational programming, but those days went away in the late 90's/early 2000s (or whenever it was when reality TV shows became the norm...sorry, I'm one of those people who really doesn't pay much attention to what's playing on 'the tube' anymore because it's pretty much all the same stuff over and over again...).
TLC and MTV= the 4chan of televison
the only good show on mtv is rj berger
and waht heppend to MUSIC televison. now its all teenage pregnancies, and crappy reality shows(ex the real world and jersey shore)
and the only music vid MTV channel plays crappy hiphop all freaking day!

i just changed the subject to MTV
TLC is all about showing a different aspect of life. One big happy family shows the lifestyle of an obese family, and how they plant to change. Cake Boss shows the life of a bakery, and the interaction between Italian familes. It's not book learning, but life learning.