ChanseyMaster said:
TM's are pretty cool, but you have to admit that most of them are REALLY BAD. I almost threw up after seeing the Ice, Steel, and Rock ones in Hidden Legends

You kidding? ATM Steel is bad, yes, but the other two are awesome! ATM Rock is the most famous card of HL for its use in Rock Lock, and ATM Ice kills off all your opponent's Pokemon tools, stall Fossils, Stadiums... along with protecting them the next turn!! And both all for ©!!!!!
ChanseyMaster said:
Also, I'm trying to figure out what this TM of mine means. It's in japanese, and I can't find it on any card site or anything. It has a picture of what looks like a tombstone-ish thing with writing on it, but it looks sort of heavenly. The rest is japanese text, but you can tell it's a TM because it's a trainer card with an attack. Anyone know it?
One of the mystery plates from Skyridge.
Look at the bottom of the page.