"Top of the Format" Now starting to tier the decks. Great for finding what to Play for Cities and wh


I have found very few threads generating debate and such on the beach lately. I would like to change that by asking everybody on the beach to help me in...

1. Finding all "Metagame" or possibly decent decks for the DP-SF era.

2. Debating the usage of all decks and placing educated guesses on what deck will be the "best".

3. Discussing all of the possible techs and generating some kind of Matchups list.

4. Finally tiering all of the decks and hopefully coming to some agreement.

I realize that this task is far from easy and very little will probably come out of all of this, but I have some extra time and I wouldn't mind doing this to help others on their deck choices and establishing some kind of formal "Metagame." At the moment has been content with just saying,

"Since SF hasn't come out nothing has been able to establish itself in the metagame."

Hopefully this goes well and we can have some healthy debate and establish an order to the chaos of SF. I'll start us off with just a list of possible metagamers. Tell me to add any that I miss. Then we may move onto part two and come up with a couple of decks that have potential.

Decks in the Metagame :
Tier 1
1) Machamp
2) Raichu Lv.X
3) Dusknoir
4) Gengar
5) Torterrible
6) Scizor/Vespiquen/Butterfree/ect.+Cherrim
7) Mag-Ran
8) Magnezone

Tier 2
1) Kingdra
2) T-Tar
3) Garchomp
4) Hurricane
5) AMU
6) Spread Decks
7) Empoleon Variants
8) Infer-ran

On The Line Decks
) Kabutops Ampharos
) Gliscor
) Mamoswarm
) Gardevoir Gallade
) Blissey
) Eeveeloutions
) Bellawsome
) Leafeon+Sceptile

1) Salamence
2) Regigigas
3) Darkrai+Weavile+Other
4) Banette
5) Ariados Bronzong
6) Rhyperior
7) Luxray
8) Mismagius
9) Skittles

We have moved on to Part 2. Everyone please help us by giving us what you think are the best decks and be ready to debate it.

Thank You for helping.
RE: "Top of the Format"

Hurricane is
Feraligatr MT+Bronzong SF+ Claydol GE
Basically all you do is setup and then use Claydol+Bronzong for many energies in hand and then KO the opponent.

I'll add Bronzong Ariados although I don't feel that it will make it very far in the metagame. Also I forgot new age GG :/
RE: "Top of the Format"

I am pretty sure hurricane is some type of Feralligatr variant. Also, i saw magleaf and magkiss and both worked well, so you may want to add those on.
RE: "Top of the Format"

Hurricane was originally made up in the HP-On era as Delcatty + Magneton + Feraligatr to get energies to use Energy Cyclone. Same principle applies with Bronzong/Gatr.
RE: "Top of the Format"

You can't just add a bunch of rouge decks, the list would be too high. Make it:

1. AMU
2. Kingdra
3. Gengar
4. Torterrible
5. Spread Decks

^^Thoes are the archetypes, then the rest should be listed "Possible Archetypes"
RE: "Top of the Format"

The whole idea is to start with all of the possible decks and work our way down to a smaller group like above. What you just did was make a huge misjudgement of almost all of the newer SF decks and just add Gengar to a list of the archtypes from DP-LA. I realize that there are a huge amount of rouge decks listed in the first post, but if I were to overlook any rouge decks then I would just be defeating the whole purpose.
RE: "Top of the Format" (DP-SF)

Scizor and Cherim decks are for sure a contender. To dish out 70 damage turn two on a stable basis and follow up with 90 to 100 damage afterwards is not bad at all. Include a teched Shaymin line for good measures to ensure each Scizor is able to survive a little faster.

Same applies to Vespiquen variants with Shaymin Sky form and Cherim. Same principle like Scizor but one wants to fall behind in the start and follow up with a decent beatdown and status.

Miasma's Valley is the stadium of choice in both of them.

Once GC is realeased some Banette / Cresselia Lv.X decks could be nice contenders too in addition to Galactic decks (both spread and beatdown), Octillery and Rampados. Ampharos spread decks would be nice too alongside with Blaiziken and Infernape decks. Both lines have nice techs. Not entire sure on Blastoise. The combo seems a little fragile to me.
RE: "Top of the Format" (DP-SF)

Dark Espeon said:
Scizor and Cherim decks are for sure a contender. To dish out 70 damage turn two on a stable basis and follow up with 90 to 100 damage afterwards is not bad at all. Include a teched Shaymin line for good measures to ensure each Scizor is able to survive a little faster.

Same applies to Vespiquen variants with Shaymin Sky form and Cherim. Same principle like Scizor but one wants to fall behind in the start and follow up with a decent beatdown and status.

Miasma's Valley is the stadium of choice in both of them.

Once GC is realeased some Banette / Cresselia Lv.X decks could be nice contenders too in addition to Galactic decks (both spread and beatdown), Octillery and Rampados. Ampharos spread decks would be nice too alongside with Blaiziken and Infernape decks. Both lines have nice techs. Not entire sure on Blastoise. The combo seems a little fragile to me.

So many problems with this post.

1. I have already included Scizor Cherrim Variants
2. Shaymin isn't in SF
3. This is DP-SF I don't care about GC
RE: "Top of the Format" (DP-SF)

Blissey? As the Metagame goes on, Blissey gets better and better. There aren't any paticuler cards of interest in SF that could be played with Blissey, but I could see it being a good even card for next format. There is always the Bronzong/Blastoice accleration that will be nice, but it just stands out to me for some reason. True, Machamp and Gengar are going to see play, but so will all of the other 22 decks up there.

And Garchomp? It was proven to be a threat at worlds, and has won a few Battle Roads. I could see a few new techs in Garchomp such as Dusknoir, Machamp, Raichu, and perhaps Gengar. Just my two cents.
RE: "Top of the Format" (DP-SF)

I'll be sure to add those.

I would like to start finishing up all of the different decks so people keep posting.
RE: "Top of the Format" (DP-SF)

i think instead of magmorter/leafeon/togekiss, it should just be magmorter variants as i have seen people play magmorter typlosion/rayquaza/houndoom/others so it has i wider range than just leafeon/kiss.
RE: "Top of the Format" (DP-SF)

Mamoswine isn't up there. It was super hyped the first week we knew about it, but then Dusknoir, Machamp, and Raichu were given the spotlight, followed by Tyranitar and Gengar attention. With RegiStark/RegiSwamp accleration and Groundon starter, it has a good chance.

Houndoom LA could also prove to be a dark horse of the format... a very very dark horse. With the right set up and list, I could see him giving some of the format's top decks problems.

Banette still could have a shot at things. It loses some of the key cards it abused in HP-on era such as Crystal Beach, CC, and CG Shuppet, but think it still has a good chance if played correctly. I would think that with Electrode and Dusknoir, but there are other options such as Blissey, Lucario, Froslass, or even Gengar. Hm...

The only other thing I can think of that could have a chance to shine is Exploud. The disruption is great, and the variety spices things up. Weavile is an option, but I'd prefer to run it Omastar style. It is probably one of thouse few cards that will get looked at by rouge players.
RE: "Top of the Format"

Deck Master said:
You can't just add a bunch of rouge decks, the list would be too high. Make it:

1. AMU
2. Kingdra
3. Gengar
4. Torterrible
5. Spread Decks

^^Thoes are the archetypes, then the rest should be listed "Possible Archetypes"

You have got to be kidding me.

Kingdra gets outclassed by everything in SF, same with AMU (they don't become un-usuable - Just obsolete). And Gengar... Have you tried that piece of rubbish!? Torterrible is just a great deck... Umm, I don't think it will be inm the metaconsidering it isn't very popular now (and when I say, "not very popular" I mean it in the most literal of terms. It's popular, just not "very popular"), and no Before-SF deck is going to get any MORE popular, unless they have additional techs to help (like Magnezone)

I also think rogue decks will have a big say in the meta of Stormfront, considering the sheer amount rouge ideas there are.

Also, whoever said Scizor was good simply because it can deal 90-100 makes me want to jump off a cliff. It's the Push Through/Accelerate combo, kids! There's no way you're going to OHKO a big scary Machamp or Dusknoir, so use Accelerate! :) :) :)
RE: "Top of the Format" (DP-SF)

Alright It looks as if we are finally reaching the end of our possible deck lists. I'll edit the next few in and then I'll give this a couple of hours (school stuff) and then I'll be ready to move on to the second part.
RE: "Top of the Format" (DP-SF)

Banette is really a bottom of the barrel pokemon right now. It has potential, but it would need a very consistant list to keep it going. Tyranitar hurts.

The list looks good. From what I can tell, we will have about 5-6 Tier 1 decks next format, with about 15-16 Tier 2, and about 11-12 Tier 3 decks. There are also a bunch of rouges and Archetype mixes that will be played, so it should prove to be interesting.

You may want to mention Rouges on the list. There are so many possibilities for Rouges between SF and LA. Things are discovered every day. Nothing specific, just "rouges".
RE: "Top of the Format" (DP-SF)

Rouges are just rouges they have a strategy but most rouges have trouble with the metagame and unless there is a specific rouge that works well and has thought put into Metagameing.

I think that we are ready for set two so I will start by saying my top 5 (just to start nothing more)

1. Machamp (Speed)
2. Magnezone
3. Mag-ran
4. T-Tar
5. Garchomp

That is just to get us started now anyone want to argue that? (I'd bet so)
RE: "Top of the Format" (DP-SF)

my T5:
1. riachu LV.X
2. heatran LV.X/stuff
3. empoleon/stuff
4. T-Tar
5. gengar
RE: "Top of the Format" (DP-SF)

Raichu has terrible matchups and isn't even that quick. Water isn't hugely played (Hurricane/Empoleon) and the deck isn't remotely quick. Raichu is OK but is completely outclassed by the other Lv.X cards of SF sans Regigigas. Tyranitar is were it belongs being right on the line between the best decks and the good decks.
RE: "Top of the Format" (DP-SF)

Why do everyone forget to list Raichu Lv.X -.-