Top Three Winners Crowned for 2024’s Pokemon TCG Illustration Contest, Runner-Ups Announced!

Still SO annoyed I took the theme literally and drew a wizard pikachu. Pokémon really needs to stop giving theme names at all because ‘magical moments’ is so arbitrary. The winner is pikachu YAWNING?Are you kidding me? What’s magical about that?!? Last years theme was ‘cool moments’ and there’s literally no difference in the art. The theme name is utterly meaningless and they should just state that they’re looking for a NORMAL basic ass Pokémon card. I’m annoyed that I limited my art because I THOUGHT I had to stick to a theme but apparently not.
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Don’t be mad at the artists, be mad at the contest. Also, Pikachu is the figure head of Pokemon lmao
I don't care Pikachu is dumb and ugly. We deserve better mascots.

Anyway there should be age categories but I wouldn't mind style categories too. I want more unprofessional amateur looking art. It's too homogenous these days. Even Tomokazu Komiya has to reign it in.

Also no AI Slop. If people submit AI slop the Pokémon company should be allowed to fire you out of a cannon into the sun.
If you want more variety in mediums, you're free to submit traditional art or glass art or stone art or whatever next year. Maybe it'll even stand out enough to get some votes. Be the change you want to see.

AI """"art"""" should never be allowed though.