Tornadus EX (Plasma) poor mans beach?

Cortel II

I am the Doom master
So I was looking through my trade binder of cards I'll Prob never use, when I re-read Thunderus EX plasma version and saw that you can shuffle your hand and draw 6 new cards for its 1 [C] attack, what do you think about using it as a beach type card, giving its 180 HP it can take a beating, plus you get get a new hand and your turn ends just like beach. Or Cleffa from HGSS for that matter.

What are your thoughts on this card? It could work with Colress Machine and plasma Energy to Accelerate its second attack and be able to OHKO anything.

Maybe mix it with other attackers that use colorless Energy like Mewtwo EX, or lugia EX.

Fixed the typo from Thunderus to Tornadus.
RE: Thunderus EX (Plasma) poor mans beach?

First off, its Tornadus, not Thundurus. That's gonna confuse people.

Secondly, its okay in Blastoise but not a lot else. Most other decks want to be at least trying to hit something turn 1, and Tornadus EX just gets in the way of that. Blastoise would rather run Beaches, but if you must its an okay substitute.
RE: Thunderus EX (Plasma) poor mans beach?

Tornadus is a must partner in very techy decks, where in order to achieve total victory you necesary need to set up the entire engine, its high HP and resistance makes it suitable as an opener that by turn 3 you ARE all set thanx to the double handing combo given by support+attack, and better than Beach cuz opponent will need to Mew/Kecleon/Zoroak that attack to do the same, or another Parrot (?)
I love tornadus with garbodor, sableye, and absol. I'm considering putting a Sawk in for a weakness counter for tornadus. I can setup pretty quickly and getting an early swinging tornadus with 4 plasma. Granted when I can't get going its hard to recover.
Okay, let's go through the two effects:

On one hand, you have Tropical Beach, which allows you to draw until you have seven cards in your hand.

On the other, you have Tornadus EX PLF's Windfall attack, which allows you to shuffle your hand into your deck, then draw six new cards.

Considering that Beach is essentially a slightly more powerful Bianca, which lets you draw until you have six cards in your hand, whereas Tornadus EX's attack allows you to shuffle your hand into your deck, then draw six cards, which is essentially Colress with six benched pokemon on the field, I'd have to say that no, Tornadus EX is not a poor man's Beach. I'd say the closest thing to the effect of Tropical Beach is probably the effect of Bianca, or the attack of certain pokemon, like Togekiss PLS.
Shuffle and draw 6 is by no means empirically worse than drawing to 7.

That said, Tornadus is situational. Including it in your deck means that you kind of have to start with it for it to be useful - with Beach, at least you can try to get it in your opening hand plus a refresh with a Supporter, but even if you get Tornadus, you have to retreat whatever it is you start with anyways, meaning using it turn 1 is a lot harder.

This card probably has a place in Cradily, where you wouldn't run into the problem of not starting with it, but to be honest, that deck is trash anyways.