Total Drama World Tour!

The show: Yay or nay?

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THIS is the best show ever. Lawshana will win. Or at leasst a girl. Beacsue tha last two sesons went to a boy. SO it would probaly be a girl.

Joeypals!! said:
^Very true about other TV shows too. (Spongebob) Anyway, anyone have any predictions on Monday's new episode? I hope sexist Ezekiel leaves again. He is getting TOO cocky!

I KNOW, but unfourtanly he will probaly get thrown of the plane by Chris and somhow make it back on the plane.
Sigh... this show looks epic fail... The writers are trying to hard. The super-fan IMO has so much potential... but thus far, completely unused. She can be used to create such awkward moments that super fans often do irl. The first series was just fine... the second was bad... this one looks terrible thus far. I don't remember myself chuckling at the 2nd season at all... I think I chuckled a little at the first season. This 3rd season has been totally unfunny. Alejandro looks like a relationship advancer if anything. So pointless. If they are going to have foil characters, might as well have fleshed out characters. I remember very little REAL characterization in the past few seasons. Next, the whole musical thing better not be continued. I have 3 reasons to live right now: School, computers, and music. They just destroyed everything I thought made a good broadway-esque musical. I get that it was supposed to be unrehearsed, but if it sounds god-awful... don't use it. That was a 100% pointless scene.

This is a perfect example of writers watching a good show (Amazing Race), and then ruining the concept. Kids don't know what makes a show good or bad, so the writers cash out. Don't get me wrong, this show is one of the best on cartoonnetwork, but that's not saying much (not counting Adult Swim). Since Toonami left the channel, it started to epic fail in its main programming hours.

Hate on me all you like :)
Zero said:
This is a perfect example of writers watching a good show (Amazing Race), and then ruining the concept. Kids don't know what makes a show good or bad, so the writers cash out. Don't get me wrong, this show is one of the best on cartoonnetwork, but that's not saying much (not counting Adult Swim). Since Toonami left the channel, it started to epic fail in its main programming hours.

Hate on me all you like :)

I HAD to agree there. After Toonami ended CN started to go way downhill. That's also around the time when the new director came in. He changed pretty much everything. And soon after PUSA took over Pokemon at Battle Frontier and it all went downhill from there. ='(
Joey, I had no idea that this thread would come into play.

I have watched TD since season one. And apparently, it is one of CN's better shows.
But, since Star wars: Clone Wars's season has ended, They would need another season of TD to keep up viewer enjoyment.

Personally, i like Owen. Why? Because he remindes me of myself. No, i am not large, but he reminds me of my inner child. Also, he still needs to win the Mil he lost in season 1.

A girl on the otherhand? Well, i think Bridget could win this time. Don't know why though, it just seems like she could.

The new guys are just plain acward. That guy with a mexican name (I'll call him Al) looks like he could be a veiwer favorite. Kinda like a male Heather from Seasons 1&2.

Well, there's my 2 cents. Hope I spoke my mind well enough,
I hope Lashanaw, Heather, Lindsey or Alejandro win and hopully Owen loses soon and that they dont bring anyone back that they alreeady eliminated!
Zero said:
The writers are trying to hard.
And that's what makes many cartoons so bad. They try to hard to make it funny, or sad, or with a lot of action, just things like that. The singing is dumb, what will be done in TDWT is probably going to be dumb after TDA, yeah. If the show just tries to have some humor mixed with just a little bit of logic, it will be a better show.
Alejandro's part at the end of pyramid part 1 was hysterical.
It's funny for two reasons. One, lots of kids my age make fun of mexicans so him speaking like that too them, and a bit to myself, is funny. (Don't say "Oh what?! You're racist! Because you know everyone is racist some part of their life.)
And second of all, do you see him team?
Chris-"If it's any consolation you do get...."
*Tyler falls down the pyramid.*
Al-"Tyler is it?..."
Chris-"Yep, and you also get..."
*Owen and noah run out of the temple screaming and fall on their face.*
Al-"That's..... wonderful!"

Yes I agree, TDA sucked badly. But I have high hopes for this one. And so far, I have laughed. I was disapointed that duncan was gone, until the previews for new episodes after the show!!! It had a video of Owen marrying Blainely(lol) and Duncan marrying Courtney.(maybe it should be gwen instead.)

And how do you guys feel about the Duncan - Gwen - Courtney thing. I say that Duncan should be with Gwen. I don't get why he was with Courtney in the first place! I mean their opposites! While Gwen and Duncan are both goths.
charidude said:
It's funny for two reasons. One, lots of kids my age make fun of mexicans so him speaking like that too them, and a bit to myself, is funny.

wow you are really screwed up.
Your parents aren't raising you right.
And no, you are wrong.
Im hispanic and havve never ever been a racist against anyone at any point in my life.
Well, here's the deal--Cartoon Network, Nick, Disney, etc. Has been taken over by these crappy sitcoms, and the shows that do come out that are cartoons are usually lame. Take a look at Fanboy and Chumchum! I'm 100% sure that 90% of Pokebeach's population hate it. So while TD series might not be the best, it's still better than the rest. After all, it's actually funny sometimes. I rarely laugh at any of the other shows. It's just my kind of humor. And most of all, I like the concept of a fake reality show, although most of the reality shows are fake. :p
I watched all of TDI, thought it was funny and watched like the first half of TDA and got bored because I started looking at spoilers from Canada, maybe I'll have to start watching it again.
Tyraniking said:
Well, here's the deal--Cartoon Network, Nick, Disney, etc. Has been taken over by these crappy sitcoms, and the shows that do come out that are cartoons are usually lame. Take a look at Fanboy and Chumchum! I'm 100% sure that 90% of Pokebeach's population hate it. So while TD series might not be the best, it's still better than the rest. After all, it's actually funny sometimes. I rarely laugh at any of the other shows. It's just my kind of humor. And most of all, I like the concept of a fake reality show, although most of the reality shows are fake. :p
You act like this is your only option. Perhaps go watch a real comedy. I'm pretty sure Seinfeld is still running on some channels. There are many real sitcoms on other channels. If you like the reality show, go watch Amazing Race. It is not funny, but neither is this show. It is actually serious and entertaining.

Charidude said:
It's funny for two reasons. One, lots of kids my age make fun of mexicans so him speaking like that too them, and a bit to myself, is funny. (Don't say "Oh what?! You're racist! Because you know everyone is racist some part of their life.)

You're pathetic. You act as though you cannot help being racist. If you think that its normal to find Mexicans speaking in Spanish funny, then get a life dude. The writers obviously wrote the character in a stereotype. He is the arrogant macho-man. This has nothing to do with being Hispanic. I've seen white guys talk in the same sense but in English, German, French, etc. Next, if that's funny to "kids your age", perhaps hang with a crowd that cares. Make a stand. Go out and find what foreigners find stupid about you before you criticize them. -_- I can write paragraphs, but this will suffice for now.
The second episode parts and song will go up after I see them on YouTube. *Goes to watch*
It was very corny from my perspective. I thought of something: A person who is on the winning team in the first challenge has won the last two seasons. Therefore, anyone from Team Amazon has a good shot at winning right now.
I think this show was pretty good for the first two seasons, but this one seems a little bland to me. I mean, I don't mind parodies, but compared to real shows like The Amazing Race, Total Drama World Tour kind of sucks... It just doesn't seem as interesting or funny as Total Drama Island or Action were...
i love the total drama series and i wanted duncan 4 the whole thing but he got voted off so now i want lindsay since duncan is gone
mammaluigi said:
Joey, I had no idea that this thread would come into play.

I have watched TD since season one. And apparently, it is one of CN's better shows.
But, since Star wars: Clone Wars's season has ended, They would need another season of TD to keep up viewer enjoyment.

Personally, i like Owen. Why? Because he remindes me of myself. No, i am not large, but he reminds me of my inner child. Also, he still needs to win the Mil he lost in season 1.

A girl on the otherhand? Well, i think Bridget could win this time. Don't know why though, it just seems like she could.

The new guys are just plain acward. That guy with a mexican name (I'll call him Al) looks like he could be a veiwer favorite. Kinda like a male Heather from Seasons 1&2.

Well, there's my 2 cents. Hope I spoke my mind well enough,

I find it weird that I could not speel Alejandro's[sp?] name at one point, and in the Cunclusion to Walk like an Egyptian, Owen could not either. Infact, he did call him "Al". Weird.