total sets till worlds

Meaty said:
Wait a sec Platinum has Drapion Lv.X and no Drapion in any sets besides DP sets. So unless there's a new Drapion I guess SF-on or RR-on? And darvor, Pokemon Collector is a supporter in HGSS that lets you search for up to 3 basic pokemon...

Apologize i thought the SF drapion was in PT lol. oops.
Oh, before? Yeah, DP-On. XD Congrats guys, we're smart.

In reference to why I think it's stale, it's mostly from my local metagame. It's not innovating. It's all Speedrill, SP Toolbox and Gyarados, so that's kind of boring. I'm trying to shake it up a bit, but not working yet. No card pool.
sonicyellow said:
Lou Cypher said:
Diamond and Pearl
Mysterious Treasures
Secret Wonders
Great Encounters
Majestic Dawn
Legends Awakaned
Rising Rivals
Surpreme Victors
Heart Gold Soul Silver
Whatever set will be released in May
Pop 6
Pop 7
Pop 8
Pop 9
All DP Promo's

Where did you get that info? I thought it would be Plat-on