Pokemon Toughest Battle

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Kevin Garrett

is a competitor
Advanced Member
What was your toughest battle you ever fought?

Mine would have to be Gary in the original Red/Blue Versions.
Probably myth trainer Infin on pokemon colloseum, although it's slightly easier now as before you were only restricted to ruby and saphire pokemon. But still, four ubers is tough :[
bacon-boy said:
Probably myth trainer Infin on pokemon colloseum, although it's slightly easier now as before you were only restricted to ruby and saphire pokemon. But still, four ubers is tough :[

I battled with him after I imported Ruby and Sapphire Pokemon, so it wasn't too hard.
teh second leuge of firered/leafgreen I didn't know there was another leuge so I don't train
well..my toughest battle was:when i was in battle frontier,i battled a lapras and a blissy...and i had blastoise and gardevoir...all pokemon lv100..i won..
My hardest battle was Flannery in Emerald. All I had was Sceptile and Metang (Pokemon Rocks America). It got easier when Metang evolved to have better Special Defence and Psychic attacks.
Mine would have to the Guy at the end of the Pokemon leauge in Emerald because of his last pokemon a ludicolo and it kept on using double team and couldn't hit it then it would thow all these attacks at me in i would lose.But then one i showed him who was boss!!:D
Typhloanater said:
myn wood hav 2 be teh 7th gym in Emerald i found it really hard
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Mirror B was definitely a hard battle. I mean, come on. One minute you're fighting things like Zigzagoon, Dustox, Vibrava... and then all of the sudden you get crushed by a team of ludicolo.

because I picked out the WORST possible team for colloseum (Piloswine, Sneasal, Macargo, Plusle, Meganuim, and something else so lame I must have blanked it out) I found the last battle on story mode challenging, against the fat mayor guy. Pokemon XD was infinitely easier.
Probably against b-b's Lightning Rod Team v 1.0 It took me 7 battles to finally win it, but it still snagged 5 Pokemon . :/
Mine would have to be the Palace Maven Spencer.

I beat two of his Pokemon with just Metagross, then his Lapras beat Metagross (which had 1HP after beating Slaking)(Focus band) and then it beat Banette.
So i send out a Lanturn, it tries a Horn Drill, misses and Lanturn uses Thunderbolt and I win.
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