Type: Water/Poison
Abilities: Merciless/Limber/Regenerator
Stats: 50 HP / 62 Atk / 152 Def / 53 SpA / 142 SpD / 35 Spe
Notable Moves: Toxic Spikes, Toxic, Recover, Scald, Haze
Say hello to OU's newest wall! With defenses rivaling, and in some instances, exceeding, its closest comparison Ferrothorn, Toxapex's stats turned a lot of heads when it was first revealed. It's incredibly passive but it never dies when used properly. It sits there and takes hits, and proceeds to poison your entire team as they try to take it down. It's incredibly easy to use in that regard. Additionally, it absorbs Toxic Spikes to prevent the other team from doing the same. Recover AND Regenerator will keep it alive for basically forever.
As some notes, going off of what I've seen online, I feel like it's important to mention why Merciless and Baneful Bunker are bad. Firstly, with Merciless, Toxapex' job is to sponge hits and recover back. You have some of the best defenses of any Pokemon ever, and you waste them by trying to make an offensive set with Merciless. While this is certainly a good ability, it's wasted on Toxapex due to its Rattata-like offenses.
With Baneful Bunker, you already have reliable Toxic Poisoning with Toxic or Toxic Spikes. In this sense, it makes Bunker both redundant and unreliable. Chances are, you won't be KOed when they attack you, so you can fire off a Toxic to achieve a better result, as Toxic poisoning is always better than standard poison.
So how have you been using Toxapex? How have you managed to beat it?