Here is the decklist:
- 3 croagunk
- 3 toxicroak
- 2 spinarak
- 2 ariados
- 2 oddish
- 2 gloom
- 2 vileplume
- 2 zubat
- 2 golbat
- 2 crobat
- 3 sycamore
- 4 N
- 1 lysandre
- 3 AZ
- 1 pokemon center lady
- 4 ultraball
- 4 levelball
- 2 vs seeker
- 4 trainers mail
- 2 float stone
- 2 forest of giant plants
- 2 chaos Tower
- 3 fighting energy
- 3 strong energy
Set up fast with trainers mail, forest og giant plants and N/sycamore. get the pokemons out on the field and itemlock the opponent. Then use the bats to damage the bench while Toxicroak stops the opponent from attacking. AZ picks up the bats or other pokemons stuck in the active spot.
It would be better with some focus sashes in the list, but they will rotate out (crobat and AZ will to but i think they both will be reprinted).
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