TPCi’s Pokemon Centers Release New TCG Accessories Featuring Snorlax, Goomy, Squirtle, Greninja, and More!

Water Pokémon Master

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The Pokemon Center has released several new lines of TCG accessories! As of posting this news story, most of these items are only listed on the UK’s Pokemon Center.
The “Midnight Agent” accessories previously released in Japan. TPCi’s Pokemon Center have released a few Japanese accessories before.


Snorlax Die-Cut Playmat



We’re Goomy Zip Binder




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oh man, there’s so many good things coming out!
except the cinema stuff.
that entire line flopped hard in japan, i don’t know why they’re still pushing it. i get its pretty much the same exact images but come on…
Do non-US TCG products usually come to US too? Or are they region exclusives?

Maybe dumb q; I'm new to buying TCG accessories on PC (I usually use the stuff that comes out of the ETB's / UPCs).
So annoying only Japan gets this, is it really so much to ask for the same products that they are already making and not Ultrapro's garbage?
So annoying only Japan gets this, is it really so much to ask for the same products that they are already making and not Ultrapro's garbage?
If I have to guess, that will probably be the root problem. TPC and Ultrapro probably have a contract, in a way it's a "legal monopoly", allows Ultrapro to make these kind of products. If that is true, then Ultrapro is the blame for stock art.