TPCi Reveals 2025 Season to Limit Worlds Invites, Only 125 TCG Masters for North America

I love Pokémon so much, but I also can’t seem to rack up enough points. I go to three events every week, and I only got points for the first times I went to them. And one I didn’t even GET POINTS! (And yea it was an official tournament)
Same here, getting to old for this shit but wanted to make one last run since I can afford to travel to a few events next year to try to get those points for an invite but now I see literally 0 reason to invest my time and money into something I have absolutely no chance of getting. The only thing I will add to the list of things they took from us is expanded. Now if this was 125 invites for standard and say another 75 or so for expanded then I would say that could have at least made this not as big of a blow.
and yet evidently not old enough to know how to edit your post if you want to add more to it instead of replying three times in a row just because you're frustrated about something.
and yet evidently not old enough to know how to edit your post if you want to add more to it instead of replying three times in a row just because you're frustrated about something.
Yeah I’m doing this on mobile. Considering the frequency I post on here it absolutely isn’t worth my time to figure out how to reply to multiple posts on here at once. If your so butt hurt by that feel free to cry about it to Pokemon since they clearly will care about it as much as they care about out opinion about this issue