TPCi Warns Hobby Stores About Selling League Promos and Materials, Sends Timeline for When Items Can Be Sold

I can't get these cards if card shops aren't allowed to resell them. I espcially apparently can't get an unopened pack to open myself and have a little bit of surprise because everyone's gonna want to open them to sell individually, I guess, on Facebook Marketplace.

But I mostly don't like companies telling the people who buy their products what they can and can't do. That's not a good solution to scalping. That's corporate overreach.
Card shops can’t resell them, but players sure can. You’ll be fine. This is objectively a good thing and I’m glad TPCi is finally cracking down on the bad actors
I was taking Prize packs as my payment for running events instead of standard packs (we have plenty to go round) ? now I have to hold onto them for a few years or just trade for stuff I can actually sell