If you're really still crying about ADP when its going to be rotated in a few months you need to just get a life.
With that attitude, why care about anything.
ok know what im bored enough to write this out so lets do it
ADP has been a problem for the format for the entirety of its existence at this point. For the past 2 years or so, it has been a high tier deck where it has gatekept an entire deck archetype from seeing the light of day, which is the weak 2shot single prize deck archetype. This deck is mostly known as Zapbeasts or Mally, and I think Zapbeasts would have had a shot in last format had ADP not existed. Naturally, ADP exists, so Zapbeasts was trash and Mally needed to hit a specific combo to not instantly lose the game. This is ridiculous to me, that an entire archetype of possibly good decks is literally unplayable due to a single card. ADP has more problems than that, however. In a format with incredible consistency due to Dedenne and Crobat, the reward for killing those pokemon is way too high for an ADP based deck. You can win by killing 2 support Pokemon which have basically no HP in this format, and you just win. The existence of gust effects with the extra prize granted is just utterly stupid and causes the deck to not require any skill.
Guess what?
My mom got second at a team qualifier playing ADPZ with only a day’s worth of experience with the deck. Its absolutely ridiculous how braindead this deck is. A completely linear format with no creative deck building is really boring and lamesauce to me. I played Flapple Mawile Surprise box at that tournament and won just because I brought a deck that nobody else expected and had heard of before, and I sniped extra dedenne and other pokemon with the mawile surprise box and won, due to the …surprising combo that I played. This survey is important because it seems that they want to improve this stupid braindead meta, and the easiest way to do this is to ban ADP and promote better creative deckbuilding by making combos NOT obvious. Everyone and their grandma knew that ADP would be really good with Zacian. Everyone and their dog knew that Eternatus would be good with zigzagoon and crobat. A interesting format is when stuff isn’t laid out as if people were blind. I really hope that things change with this survey, and they promote creativity and strategy rather than playing 2 dummy broken cards together and chucking cards onto the table like a casino dealer.
I just want to say I truly appreciate this post. Pokemon have been creating decks for people to just pick up and play with no real amount of skill. Another example on top of what you said is Mad Party and Jirachi w/ Escape Board. These were clearly made by Pokemon to use these artificial combos. Granted Mad Party isn't as good as ADP, but it's so obvious Pokemon crafted it to be a deck. They need to just create cards let the players figure out what combos to do.
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