Well... I would like to take this first paragraph to apologize once again to those I had trades organized with when my WiFi crashed, and my Diamond Version got lost. For the record, I didn't actually loose it, it turns out my friend stole it, and started a new game file.
-_____________- Epic Fail. So, once again, I am sorry to those of you I had trades organized with.
Now... onto the rules.
1. All Standard PokeBeach rules apply [yes, this includes spam.
2. DO NOT trade me any hacked Pokémon, If you are unsure whether a Pokémon is hacked or not, please don't trade it to me. I will not trade you any hacked Pokémon.
3. Please try not to back out of trades once they're organized.
4. If I find out that you have traded me a hacked Pokémon, you WILL be reported.
5. Just have fun. I don't want you to be bored out of your mind.
6. If you see that I have multiple copies of a Pokémon, it is probably due to the Emerald Version Cloning glitch. [NOT a hacking device]
7. I WILL check lists. Just because it's not on my wants list doesn't mean I don't want it.
My Info:
Friend Code: Diamond: 5242-3542-7913
-character's name: Anna [no, that's not my REAL name, I'm a boy.]
Contact: If you would like to trade, post in this thread. Once we work out a deal, we can organize a time via the PM system.
If you would like to know the IV's of any Pokémon, just LMK and I'll check them.
Dialga, Lv. 51, Docile nature
2-Kyogre, Lv. 70, Hardy nature [UNTOUCHED]
2-Groudon, Lv. 70, Modest nature [Touched a little bit]
Shiny Manectric, lv. 60, Serious Nature
3-Shiny Manectric, lv. 54, Serious Nature [clone of previous, just lower level.]
Shiny Exploud, lv. 58, Quiet nature
Shiny Linoone, lv. 27, Jolly nature
2-Shiny Gastly, lv. 16, Bashful nature [not clones, just happened to be the same nature when chained] [one UNTOUCHED, one barely touched]
Weepinbell, lv. 52, Lonely nature [UNTOUCHED]
Victrebell, lv. 52, Hasty nature, [barely touched]
Geodude, lv. 6, Careful nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Shinx, lv. 4, Lax nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Vileplume, lv. 50, Quiet nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Bellossom, lv. 50, Rash nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Other random haves:
4-Regirock, lv. 41, Brave nature [IV/nature re-setted, UNTOUCHED [rare candied up the level]]
2-Registeel, lv. 41, Impish nature [IV/nature re-setted, UNTOUCHED [rarecandied up the level]
Regice, lv. 41, Relaxed nature [IV/nature re-setted, UNTOUCHED [rare candied up the level]]
Articuno, lv. 60, Timid nature
Zapdos, lv. 67, Docile nature
Bronzong, Bold nature, lv. 40, [barely touched]
Gyarados, lv. 55, Serious nature [UNTOUCHED]
Gyarados, lv. 55, Bashful nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Wooper, lv. 20, Naive nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Wooper, lv. 22, Lax nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Magikarp, lv. 19, Impish nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Magikarp, lv. 18, Modest nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Teddiursa, lv. 34, Serious nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Teddiursa, lv. 34, Naugghty nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Abra, lv. 4, Rash nature [inner focus], [UNTOUCHED]
Abra, lv. 20, Brave nature, inner focus, [UNTOUCHED]
Abra, lv. 20, naive nature, inner focus, [UNTOUCHED]
Abra, lv. 20, Jolly nature, innfer focus, [UNTOUCHED]
Abra, lv. 20, Careful nature, synchronize, [UNTOUCHED]
Kadabra, lv. 21, Rash nature [inner focus], [UNTOUCHED]
Kadabra, lv. 20, Relaxed nature, inner focus, [UNTOUCHED]
Kadabra, lv. 22, Jolly nature, inner focus, [UNTOUCHED]
Kadabra, lv. 22, Naive nature, inner focus, [UNTOUCHED]
Kadabra, lv. 22, Serious nature, Synchronize, [UNTOUCHED]
Kadabra, lv. 46, Bashful nature, Synchronize, [UNTOUCHED]
Kadabra, lv. 21, Sassy nature, Synchronize, [UNTOUCHED]
Lapras, lv. 50, Sassy nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Cranidos, lv. 20, Rash nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Gengar, lv. 52, Serious nature, EV TRAINED [252 Sp. A, 252, Speed]
Anorith, lv. 20, Timid nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Whismur, lv. 5, Docile nature, [UNTOUCHED] [IV-bred]
Whismur, lv. 5, Modest nature, [UNTOUCHED] [IV-bred]
Aipom, lv. 33, Jolly nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Ralts, lv. 5, Mild nature, synchronize, [UNTOUCHED]
Ralts, lv. 5, Naughty nature, synchronize, [UNTOUCHED]
Ralts, lv. 4, Mild nature, synchronize, [UNTOUCHED]
Ralts, lv. 4, Jolly nature, trace, [UNTOUCHED]
Ralts, lv. 4, Quiet nature, trace, [UNTOUCHED]
Gengar, lv. 16, Mild nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Gengar, lv. 16, Timid nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Machoke, lv. 51, Lonely nature, No Guard, [UNTOUCHED]
Abomasnow [nicknamed 'ObamaSnow], lv. 54, Hardy nature
Gligar, lv. 7, Gentle nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Jolteon [named VOLTALI], lv. 1, Jolly nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Wants: [note, the more *'s, the more I want it]
*****Celebi, preferably Bold or Timid nature
*****Jirachi, preferably Jolly, Timid, Adamant, or Hasty nature
*****Scizor WITH bullet punch, preferably Adamant nature, and with TECHNICIAN.
**Palkia, Preferably Hasty nature
**Togekiss, Preferably Calm or Modest nature
**Infernape, preferably Naive or Hasty nature
**Any Pokémon that is usable, with a good nature/IV's [so like a LV. 1 Magikarp with 29 Attack IV's or something]
****Suicune, preferably Timid nature.
Item Wants:
*TM01 Focus Punch
**TM13 Ice Beam
**TM24 Thunderbolt
**TM26 Earthquake
**TM29 Psychic
*TM30 Shadow Ball
**TM35 Flamethrower
**TM36 Sludge Bomb
*TM50 Overheat
*TM52 Focus Blast
*TM59 Dragon Pulse
***TM64 Explosion
**TM71 Stone Edge
**TM73 Thunder Wave
*TM75 Swords Dance
**TM89 U-turn
***TM76 Stealth Rock
**Any EV-lowering berries
Pending Trades:
*Shadow Lugia- Glaceon w/ PokeRus and Cresselia for 1 Kyogre and 1 Groudon
*Light Venusaur/Shadelon- Chimchar for Jolteon
-_____________- Epic Fail. So, once again, I am sorry to those of you I had trades organized with.
Now... onto the rules.
1. All Standard PokeBeach rules apply [yes, this includes spam.
2. DO NOT trade me any hacked Pokémon, If you are unsure whether a Pokémon is hacked or not, please don't trade it to me. I will not trade you any hacked Pokémon.
3. Please try not to back out of trades once they're organized.
4. If I find out that you have traded me a hacked Pokémon, you WILL be reported.
5. Just have fun. I don't want you to be bored out of your mind.
6. If you see that I have multiple copies of a Pokémon, it is probably due to the Emerald Version Cloning glitch. [NOT a hacking device]
7. I WILL check lists. Just because it's not on my wants list doesn't mean I don't want it.
My Info:
Friend Code: Diamond: 5242-3542-7913
-character's name: Anna [no, that's not my REAL name, I'm a boy.]
Contact: If you would like to trade, post in this thread. Once we work out a deal, we can organize a time via the PM system.
If you would like to know the IV's of any Pokémon, just LMK and I'll check them.
Dialga, Lv. 51, Docile nature
2-Kyogre, Lv. 70, Hardy nature [UNTOUCHED]
2-Groudon, Lv. 70, Modest nature [Touched a little bit]
Shiny Manectric, lv. 60, Serious Nature
3-Shiny Manectric, lv. 54, Serious Nature [clone of previous, just lower level.]
Shiny Exploud, lv. 58, Quiet nature
Shiny Linoone, lv. 27, Jolly nature
2-Shiny Gastly, lv. 16, Bashful nature [not clones, just happened to be the same nature when chained] [one UNTOUCHED, one barely touched]
Weepinbell, lv. 52, Lonely nature [UNTOUCHED]
Victrebell, lv. 52, Hasty nature, [barely touched]
Geodude, lv. 6, Careful nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Shinx, lv. 4, Lax nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Vileplume, lv. 50, Quiet nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Bellossom, lv. 50, Rash nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Other random haves:
4-Regirock, lv. 41, Brave nature [IV/nature re-setted, UNTOUCHED [rare candied up the level]]
2-Registeel, lv. 41, Impish nature [IV/nature re-setted, UNTOUCHED [rarecandied up the level]
Regice, lv. 41, Relaxed nature [IV/nature re-setted, UNTOUCHED [rare candied up the level]]
Articuno, lv. 60, Timid nature
Zapdos, lv. 67, Docile nature
Bronzong, Bold nature, lv. 40, [barely touched]
Gyarados, lv. 55, Serious nature [UNTOUCHED]
Gyarados, lv. 55, Bashful nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Wooper, lv. 20, Naive nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Wooper, lv. 22, Lax nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Magikarp, lv. 19, Impish nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Magikarp, lv. 18, Modest nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Teddiursa, lv. 34, Serious nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Teddiursa, lv. 34, Naugghty nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Abra, lv. 4, Rash nature [inner focus], [UNTOUCHED]
Abra, lv. 20, Brave nature, inner focus, [UNTOUCHED]
Abra, lv. 20, naive nature, inner focus, [UNTOUCHED]
Abra, lv. 20, Jolly nature, innfer focus, [UNTOUCHED]
Abra, lv. 20, Careful nature, synchronize, [UNTOUCHED]
Kadabra, lv. 21, Rash nature [inner focus], [UNTOUCHED]
Kadabra, lv. 20, Relaxed nature, inner focus, [UNTOUCHED]
Kadabra, lv. 22, Jolly nature, inner focus, [UNTOUCHED]
Kadabra, lv. 22, Naive nature, inner focus, [UNTOUCHED]
Kadabra, lv. 22, Serious nature, Synchronize, [UNTOUCHED]
Kadabra, lv. 46, Bashful nature, Synchronize, [UNTOUCHED]
Kadabra, lv. 21, Sassy nature, Synchronize, [UNTOUCHED]
Lapras, lv. 50, Sassy nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Cranidos, lv. 20, Rash nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Gengar, lv. 52, Serious nature, EV TRAINED [252 Sp. A, 252, Speed]
Anorith, lv. 20, Timid nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Whismur, lv. 5, Docile nature, [UNTOUCHED] [IV-bred]
Whismur, lv. 5, Modest nature, [UNTOUCHED] [IV-bred]
Aipom, lv. 33, Jolly nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Ralts, lv. 5, Mild nature, synchronize, [UNTOUCHED]
Ralts, lv. 5, Naughty nature, synchronize, [UNTOUCHED]
Ralts, lv. 4, Mild nature, synchronize, [UNTOUCHED]
Ralts, lv. 4, Jolly nature, trace, [UNTOUCHED]
Ralts, lv. 4, Quiet nature, trace, [UNTOUCHED]
Gengar, lv. 16, Mild nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Gengar, lv. 16, Timid nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Machoke, lv. 51, Lonely nature, No Guard, [UNTOUCHED]
Abomasnow [nicknamed 'ObamaSnow], lv. 54, Hardy nature
Gligar, lv. 7, Gentle nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Jolteon [named VOLTALI], lv. 1, Jolly nature, [UNTOUCHED]
Wants: [note, the more *'s, the more I want it]
*****Celebi, preferably Bold or Timid nature
*****Jirachi, preferably Jolly, Timid, Adamant, or Hasty nature
*****Scizor WITH bullet punch, preferably Adamant nature, and with TECHNICIAN.
**Palkia, Preferably Hasty nature
**Togekiss, Preferably Calm or Modest nature
**Infernape, preferably Naive or Hasty nature
**Any Pokémon that is usable, with a good nature/IV's [so like a LV. 1 Magikarp with 29 Attack IV's or something]
****Suicune, preferably Timid nature.
Item Wants:
*TM01 Focus Punch
**TM13 Ice Beam
**TM24 Thunderbolt
**TM26 Earthquake
**TM29 Psychic
*TM30 Shadow Ball
**TM35 Flamethrower
**TM36 Sludge Bomb
*TM50 Overheat
*TM52 Focus Blast
*TM59 Dragon Pulse
***TM64 Explosion
**TM71 Stone Edge
**TM73 Thunder Wave
*TM75 Swords Dance
**TM89 U-turn
***TM76 Stealth Rock
**Any EV-lowering berries
Pending Trades:
*Shadow Lugia- Glaceon w/ PokeRus and Cresselia for 1 Kyogre and 1 Groudon
*Light Venusaur/Shadelon- Chimchar for Jolteon