

Limits, like fears, are just an illusion
Track, one of the most competitive sports. It's not only a struggle against the people who you race, but also a race against yourself. It's not all about getting 1st place. Seeing one's self improve and overcome previous boundaries is what track is all about.

Seeing as how I'm having my first track meet tomorrow, I figured I'd post this thread. I didn't only post this thread to talk about the mechanics and competitiveness of track. I also posted this thread to help people track how they're doing throughout the season - how much they've improved.

With that, here was my last year time(s):

100m: 11.3 seconds
200m: 24.8 seconds (my stamina was very bad, as I ended up just jogging the first 100m)

I also run the 4x100 and 4x200, but as those are subjective to other teammates, I'll leave those times out.

My goal for this season is to at least get 10.9 for the 100m.
Well, today I actually had a track meet, Here's what I ran:

1600: 2nd Place, 5:13
800: 2nd Place 2:26
4x400: 2nd Place, Split was 1:02 and overall time was 4:16.

Our team came in second, which is no surprise since our team has no sprinters at all. My town/city is very focused on distance running.
I do track at my school. Im not that great. (Just started this year) But my 100m is a 17 second and my 4x100 is bad because my team isn't to great
I had a really bad start yesterday, and the weather wasn't exactly favorable. So..:

100m: 11.8 - I was really pissed when I saw this.
200m: 24.8 - Not bad considering my stamina still sucks.
I'm a noob at track.

100m: 12.6

Yeah. I'm 14. Pretty slow. Lol. My mile time is under 6 though, so I guess I'm not a lost cause :D
Pokemon Trainer Touko said:
100m- 12.0
200m- 24.2
400m- 52.1

>___> I know I'm slow, but I'm only 12!

Are you sure you got those times right? At my school, the high school record for the 400m is like 50.5 seconds, and our top runners are only hitting about 52 seconds, as juniors. I'm not saying you're lying, but I find it hard to believe you're doing that at twelve years old...
For 100m - 14.8
200m - 29.9

i ran these times when i was 11 I'm not sure how fast I am now...
Hyperbeem said:
Dude, getting under a minute in 400 is pretty good for a 12 year old, 52 is plain boss if you can really do that.

Tokou is also a girl...

For example sake, at my school, the 200m record for the girls is 25.6, while for the guys it is 22.1. There's a pretty big discrepancy.
I don't run track any more, I really hated dropping out of Karate every spring to do track, but as a freshman, I ran a 5:52 mile. THen I sprained my ankle and missed the rest of the season. >:\ I always found track fun.

I find it funny touko said a 24.2 200 m was slow, and that was faster than LL's. >_>
The Power of Three said:
I don't run track any more, I really hated dropping out of Karate every spring to do track, but as a freshman, I ran a 5:52 mile. THen I sprained my ankle and missed the rest of the season. >:\ I always found track fun.

I find it funny touko said a 24.2 200 m was slow, and that was faster than LL's. >_>

My 200m time is decent, but not even close to great. If you get from 22-23 seconds, you're doing pretty good. My stamina just isn't at the point where I can sprint the entire thing, which is why I'm best at the 100m.
^I think that 200 time is excellent, but what do I know I'm a distance runner. Also, I'm so proud because I just ran 55 seconds in the 400, beat my previous PR in the 1600 by 0.2 of a second, and set a PR in the 800 with 2:18. All this is pretty good considering I'm only 14, too.
100m: 11.7 - I am really getting frustrated with my starts this year.
200m: 24.6 - Another PR. I should keep PR'ing as my stamina increases.
Here are some of my personal bests, but all these were taken from last year cause we're going to start Athletics next week:

100m = 11.2
200m = 24.3
400m = 53.4

I can't remember my 800m or 1500m times, but those are all from last year when I was 14. I've developed much more stamina this year, so I should easily beat my personal bests on the 200m and 400m.
Never done track, but I've had to do ROTC. First of my two mile runs was 17:12 which I am not happy about, my second two mile run was 14:11.